Command entry:Rendering menu

Raytracer Settings (visible only when the Default Scanline renderer is active)

Render Setup dialog

Raytracer panel

Raytracer Global Parameters rollout

Global Ray Antialiaser group

Turn on global ray antialiasing.

Choose Multiresolution Adaptive Antialiaser from the drop-down list.

... button
The Multiresolution Adaptive Antialiaser dialog changes settings for the Raytrace material and maps Multiresolution Adaptive
antialiaser. You can use this dialog either globally, from the Raytracer Global Parameters rollout, or locally, from the Raytracer Controls rollout. When you locally change settings for an antialiaser, you don't affect the global settings for that antialiaser.
Adaptive Control group
- Initial Rays
Sets the initial number of rays cast per pixel. Default=4.
- Threshold
Determines the sensitivity of the adaptation algorithm. It can range from 0 to 1, where 0 always casts the maximum number
of rays and 1 always casts only the minimum number of rays. Default=0.1.
- Max. Rays (Maximum Rays)
Sets the maximum number of rays the algorithm will cast. Default=32.
Blur / Defocus (Distance Blur) group
Blur Offset is similar to blur offset for bitmaps, while Defocusing is based on distance.
- Blur Offset
Affects the sharpness or blurriness of the reflections or refractions without regard to distance. You can use Blur Offset
to soften or defocus the details of a reflection or refraction. The value is specified in pixels. Default=0.0.
TipThe default Blur Offset setting usually produces good results. If you see aliasing in reflections or refractions, increase
its value in increments of 0.5 until the aliasing goes away.
- Blur Aspect
This is an aspect ratio that changes the shape of the blur. Usually you will not need to change it. Default=1.0.
TipIf you see aliasing that occurs mostly along horizontal lines, try increasing Blur Aspect to 1.5. This changes the shape of
the blurred effect. The reverse is also true. If aliasing occurs mostly along vertical lines, try decreasing Blur Aspect to
- Defocusing
Defocusing is a blur based on distance. With Defocus, objects near the surface are not blurred, but objects farther away are
blurred. The rays cast are spread as they leave the Raytrace material object's surface. Default=0.0.
TipIncreasing the value of Defocusing can give a good distance blurring effect. Small adjustments are usually adequate. Try starting
with a value less than 0.1, and increase or decrease it as necessary. Also try adjusting Reflect Falloff in Raytrace material
or Attenuation in Raytrace map to get the best distance blurring effect.
- Defocus Aspect
This is an aspect ratio that changes the shape of the defocusing. Usually you will not need to change it. Default=1.0.