Command entry: 
Utilities panel

Utilities rollout

More button

Utilities dialog >MAX File Finder
Command entry:Run
maxfind.exe in the
3ds Max root directory.
The MAX File Finder utility lets you search for MAX files containing specific properties.
For example, the MAX File Finder can:
- Search the hard drive for all MAX files containing the "Pink Carpet" material.
- Search the 3ds Max program directory and below for all MAX files using the raymtl.dlt plug-in.
- Search the c:\Program Files\Autodesk\VIZ2008 directory and below for all MAX files using the raymtl.dlt plug-in.
The utility comes in two formats: a standard utility, and a standalone executable. Both work identically.
File Finder demonstrates how to read a MAX file's properties from an external application. These properties include predetermined
data such as object and plug-in names, plus information you provide via the Application menu
File Properties dialog. You can also view this data from outside 3ds Max with Windows Explorer or an equivalent program by viewing a file's properties.
TipYou can combine this tool with the powers of the Properties dialogs. If you have a team of animators, you can have the individual
animators use the File menu

Properties dialog to create Categories, Keywords, and Comments that you can search for using the File Finder. They can also
use the Contents and Custom Tabs as well. All are searchable using the Finder.
You can also create similar structures at the Object level. The Object Properties dialog has a User Defined tab to enter any properties you like, and use that to organize your projects.
File menu
- Reset
Clears the list box of any files previously found.
- Exit
Help menu
- About
Displays something fun to play with while Finder is searching for files. The search continues in the background while this
dialog is active.
Program window
- Search Text
Specifies the text to search for. If you leave the field empty, all files that contain the specified property will be found.
- File Spec
Specifies which file types to search through. The predefined file type is *.max. You can enter a different file type, such as *.dwg. To search through all files, use *.*.
The currently selected item in this list is restored the next time you run Finder.
- Property
Specifies the property you want to search for. Use All to search for any property.
- Start
Activates the search. During a search, the button title switches to Cancel. Click Cancel to abort the search.
- Browse
Specifies the directory for the search, using the standard Windows Browse for Folder dialog.
- Include Subfolders
When on, Finder searches the current directory and all subdirectories. When off, only the current directory is searched.
- File List
Lists all files that were found and match the current search criteria.
Double-click a found file in this list to display the property viewer for the file. The information presented in this dialog
is the same that is displayed with Application menu
Properties inside 3ds Max. Use the << and >> buttons to step to the previous or the next file in the found list.
While in the property viewer, the search continues in the background.