Command entry:Select an object.

Modify panel

Modifier List

Object-Space Modifiers


Selection Check rollout
This rollout lets you check selections to see if any are overlapping; that is, if a material ID or a face or element is assigned
to more than one selection.
Check group
- Checks for material IDs being assigned to more than one selection.
- Checks for faces or elements being assigned to more than one selection.
- (The default.) Checks for both material ID and sub-object overlap.
- Check
- Select Faces
When on, if running the selection check detects “bad” selections, the “bad” faces are selected by the Projection modifier
automatically. When off, “bad” selections are not selected automatically. Default=on.
Results group
After you click Check, the fields in this group display the results. The first field is for material IDs, and the second is
for sub-object selections. If there is no conflict, the first field says “No conflicting Mat IDs detected,” and the second
says “No conflicting face selections detected.” If there is a conflict, the results say something such as, “6 Mat IDs are
assigned to more than one selection.”