Command entry:Rendering menu

Material Explorer

Scene (upper) panel

The upper Scene panel of the Material Explorer has a toolbar with various search, selection, and other controls.
The toolbar actually consists of three smaller toolbars: Find, Selection, and Tools. You can toggle the display of these smaller
toolbars by using the Toolbars options on the Customize menu.
Find toolbar
- Find
Enter text in this field to search for that text in the Name column. As you type, the Material Explorer highlights materials
or objects whose name matches the search string.
If Sync to Material Explorer is on, the Material (lower) panel also displays the first material that is found. If the Material Explorer finds an object
rather than a material, the Material (lower) panel shows the material that is applied to that object.
Some options on the Select menu control how the Explorer performs the search.
Selection toolbar
Some of these buttons correspond to choices on the Select menu.
Select All Materials
Selects all materials in the scene.
Select All Maps
Selects all maps in the scene.
NoteFor most scenes, the effect of this choice isn’t apparent unless you also turn on Display Sub-Materials/Maps.
Select All
Selects all entries in the scene.
Select None
Deselects all entries in the scene.
Select Invert
Inverts the current selection: all selected entries become deselected, and all entries not selected become selected.
Tools toolbar
Lock cell editing
When on, prevents you from editing cells in the Explorer: clicking a cell has no effect, other than to highlight and select
the row it is in. Default=off.
Sync to Material Explorer
When on, synchronizes selections in the Material (lower) panel with the Scene (upper) panel. When off, changing the selection
in the Scene panel doesn’t change the Material panel, which continues to show the last material you selected before turning
off Sync To Material Explorer. Default=on.
Sync to Material Level
When on, the lower Material panel always shows the full hierarchy of the material highlighted in the upper Scene panel, even
if only a component of the material is highlighted. When off, the lower Material panel shows only the hierarchy of the individual
material component that is highlighted in the upper Scene panel. Default=on.