Public Member Functions
CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T > Class Template Reference

Detailed Description

template<class T>
class XSI::CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T >

This template class encapsulates ICEAttribute data as a 2D array. CICEAttributeDataArray2D objects are read-only and can be filled with the methods supplied with the ICEAttribute class. CICEAttributeDataArray2D is zero-based and can be one of the following types:

All types are associated to specific ICEAttribute 2D types. Therefore, you need to declare the right array object type that matches the ICEAttribute data type you want to access. Otherwise a runtime error will occur and the returned array will be empty.

See also:
ICEAttribute::GetDataArray2D, ICEAttribute::GetDataArray2DChunk, Type Definitions for CICEAttributeDataArray2D
This example demonstrates how to iterate over the EnvelopeWeightsPerDeformer ClusterProperty attribute data on en envelope.
        using namespace XSI;

        X3DObject cone = CreatePrim( L"Cone", L"MeshSurface", L"", L"");
        Create2DSkeleton( 2.95, 3.34, -0.33, 4.73, 0.0, 0.0, -5.71, 0, 0, 4, CValue(""), CValue(""));
        AppendBone( L"eff", 3.70, -3.02, 0.30, L"");

        XSI::siConstructionMode mode = siConstructionModeModeling;
        ApplyFlexEnv( L"cone;bone,bone1,eff", true, mode );
        SelectObj( L"cone.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", L"", L"" );

        // Make sure to generate the data first

        Application xsi;
        ProjectItem envProp = xsi.GetSelection()[0];

        ICEAttribute attr = envProp.GetICEAttributeFromName( L"EnvelopeWeightsPerDeformer" );

        CICEAttributeDataArray2DFloat weight2D;
        attr.GetDataArray2D( weight2D );

        for( ULONG i=0; i<weight2D.GetCount( ); i++ )
            CICEAttributeDataArray< float > weights;
            weight2D.GetSubArray( i, weights );
            for( ULONG j=0; j<weights.GetCount( ); j++ )
                xsi.LogMessage( CString( weights[ j ] ) );

        // Helpers
        CValue CreatePrim( const CString& in_presetobj, const CString& in_geometrytype, const CString& in_name, const CString& in_parent )
            CValueArray args(4);
            CValue retval;
            args[0]= in_presetobj;
            args[1]= in_geometrytype;
            args[2]= in_name;
            args[3]= in_parent;

            Application app;
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"CreatePrim", args, retval );
            return retval;

        CValue Create2DSkeleton( const CValue& in_rx, const CValue& in_ry, const CValue& in_rz, const CValue& in_ex, const CValue& in_ey, const CValue& in_ez, const CValue& in_nx, const CValue& in_ny, const CValue& in_nz, const CValue& in_viewtype,  CValue& out_bone,  CValue& out_effector )
            CValueArray args(12);
            CValue retval;

            args[0]= in_rx;
            args[1]= in_ry;
            args[2]= in_rz;
            args[3]= in_ex;
            args[4]= in_ey;
            args[5]= in_ez;
            args[6]= in_nx;
            args[7]= in_ny;
            args[8]= in_nz;
            args[9]= in_viewtype;

            Application app;
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"Create2DSkeleton", args, retval );

            out_bone = args[10];
            out_effector = args[11];
            return retval;

        CValue AppendBone( const CValue&  in_inputobjs, const CValue& in_ex, const CValue& in_ey, const CValue& in_ez, bool in_pin )
            CValueArray args(5);
            CValue retval;

            args[0]= in_inputobjs;
            args[1]= in_ex;
            args[2]= in_ey;
            args[3]= in_ez;
            args[4]= in_pin;

            Application app;
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"AppendBone", args, retval );

            return retval;

        CValue ApplyFlexEnv( const CValue&  in_connectionset, bool in_assignnewdeformers,  XSI::siConstructionMode & io_constructionmode )
            CValueArray args(3);
            CValue retval;

            args[0]= in_connectionset;
            args[1]= in_assignnewdeformers;
            args[2]= io_constructionmode;

            Application app;
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"ApplyFlexEnv", args, retval );

            io_constructionmode = (XSI::siConstructionMode)(LONG)args[2];
            return retval;

        void SelectObj( const CValue&  in_selectionlist, const CString& in_hierarchylevel, bool in_checkobjectselectability )
            CValueArray args(3);
            CValue retval;
            args[0]= in_selectionlist;
            args[1]= in_hierarchylevel;
            args[2]= in_checkobjectselectability;

            Application app;

            CStatus st = app.ExecuteCommand( L"SelectObj", args, retval );
This example demonstrates how to set an ICEAttribute of structure type siICENodeStructureArray.
        using namespace XSI;

        CValue CreatePrim( const CString& in_presetobj, const CString& in_geometrytype, const CString& in_name, const CString& in_parent )
            CValueArray args(4);
            CValue retval;
            args[0]= in_presetobj;
            args[1]= in_geometrytype;
            args[2]= in_name;
            args[3]= in_parent;
            Application app;
            app.ExecuteCommand( L"CreatePrim", args, retval );
            return retval;

        template < class T >
        class CICEAttributeData2D
            static void Log( ICEAttribute& attr )
                Application xsi;
                xsi.LogMessage( L"*******************************************************************" );
                xsi.LogMessage( L"Name: " + attr.GetName() );
                xsi.LogMessage( L"DataType: " + CString(attr.GetDataType()) );

                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T > data2D;
                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );
                for( ULONG i=0; i<data2D.GetCount( ); i++ )
                    CICEAttributeDataArray< T > data;
                    data2D.GetSubArray( i, data );
                    for( ULONG j=0; j<data.GetCount( ); j++ )
                        xsi.LogMessage( CString( j ) + "   " + CString( data[ j ] ) );
            static void SetData( const X3DObject & in_Obj, XSI::siICENodeDataType in_DataType, const CString& in_csDataName, const T in_Value )
                ICEAttribute attr = in_Obj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().AddICEAttribute( in_csDataName, in_DataType, XSI::siICENodeStructureArray, XSI::siICENodeContextComponent0D );

                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T > data2D;
                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );

                CICEAttributeDataArray< T > data;
                ULONG subArraySize = 6; // This can be any number. 
                data2D.ResizeSubArray( 0 ,subArraySize ,data );

                T l_Values[subArraySize] = { in_Value, in_Value, in_Value, in_Value, in_Value, in_Value };
                memcpy( &data[0], &l_Values[0], subArraySize * sizeof(T) );

                CICEAttributeData2D<T>::Log( attr );


        template <  >
        class CICEAttributeData2D< bool >
            static void Log( ICEAttribute& attr )
                Application xsi;
                xsi.LogMessage( L"*******************************************************************" );
                xsi.LogMessage( L"Name: " + attr.GetName() );
                xsi.LogMessage( L"DataType: " + CString(attr.GetDataType()) );

                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< bool > data2D;
                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );
                for( ULONG i=0; i<data2D.GetCount( ); i++ )
                    CICEAttributeDataArray< bool > data;
                    data2D.GetSubArray( i, data );
                    for( ULONG j=0; j<data.GetCount( ); j++ )
                        xsi.LogMessage( CString( j ) + "   " + CString( data[ j ] ) );
            static void SetData( const X3DObject & in_Obj, XSI::siICENodeDataType in_DataType, const CString& in_csDataName, const bool in_Value )
                ICEAttribute attr = in_Obj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().AddICEAttribute( in_csDataName, in_DataType, XSI::siICENodeStructureArray, XSI::siICENodeContextComponent0D );

                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< bool > data2D;
                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );

                CICEAttributeDataArray< bool > data;
                ULONG subArraySize = 6; // This can be any number. 
                data2D.ResizeSubArray( 0, subArraySize, data );

                data.SetData(0, in_Value);
                data.SetData(1, !in_Value);
                data.SetData(2, in_Value);
                data.SetData(3, !in_Value);
                data.SetData(4, in_Value);
                data.SetData(5, !in_Value);

                CICEAttributeData2D<bool>::Log( attr );


        template < >
        class CICEAttributeData2D< XSI::CString >
            static void Log( ICEAttribute& attr )
                CICEAttributeDataArray2DString data2D;
                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );
                Application xsi;
                for( ULONG i=0; i<data2D.GetCount( ); i++ )
                    CICEAttributeDataArrayString data;
                    data2D.GetSubArray( i, data );
                    for( ULONG j=0; j<data.GetCount( ); j++ )
                        xsi.LogMessage( CString( i ) + " , " + CString( j ) + " : " +data[ j ] );

            static void SetData( const X3DObject & in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataType in_DataType, const CString& in_csDataName, const XSI::CString in_Value )
                ICEAttribute attr = in_Cone.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().AddICEAttribute( in_csDataName, in_DataType, XSI::siICENodeStructureArray, XSI::siICENodeContextComponent0D );

                CICEAttributeDataArray2DString data2D;
                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );

                    CICEAttributeDataArrayString data;
                    ULONG subArraySize = 6; // This can be any number. 
                    data2D.ResizeSubArray( 0, subArraySize, data );

                    data.SetData(0, in_Value);
                    data.SetData(2, in_Value);
                    data.SetData(4, in_Value);

                    CICEAttributeDataArrayString data;
                    ULONG subArraySize = 24; // This can be any number. 
                    data2D.ResizeSubArray( 1, subArraySize, data );

                    data.SetData(0, in_Value);
                    data.SetData(12, in_Value);
                    data.SetData(60, in_Value);

                CICEAttributeData2D<XSI::CString>::Log( attr );


        void  SetDataArray2D( const X3DObject & in_Cone )

            CICEAttributeData2D<LONG>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataLong, "TestLong", 20 );

            CICEAttributeData2D<float>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataFloat, "Testfloat", -20 );

            CICEAttributeData2D<bool>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataBool, "TestBOOL", true );
            MATH::CVector2f Vec2f( 20, -20);
            CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CVector2f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataVector2, "TestVector2", Vec2f );

            MATH::CVector3f Vec3f( 20, -20, 20);
            CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CVector3f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataVector3, "TestVector3", Vec3f );

            MATH::CVector4f Vec4f( 20, -20, 20, -20);
            CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CVector4f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataVector4, "TestVector4", Vec4f );

            MATH::CQuaternionf Quat( 20, -20, 20 ,20);
            CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CQuaternionf>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataQuaternion, "TestQuat", Quat );

            MATH::CRotationf Rot( 45, -45, 45 );
            CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CRotationf>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataRotation, "TestRot", Rot );

            MATH::CMatrix3f Mat3( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
            CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CMatrix3f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataMatrix33, "TestMat3", Mat3 );

            MATH::CMatrix4f Mat4( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 );
            CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CMatrix4f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataMatrix44, "TestMat4", Mat4 );

            MATH::CColor4f Col4( 20, -20, 20, 1);
            CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CColor4f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataColor4, "TestCol4", Col4 );

            CICEAttributeData2D<CString>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataString, "TestString", "hum!" );

            Application xsi;
            CreatePrim( L"Cone", L"MeshSurface", L"", L"");
            Selection selection = xsi.GetSelection();
            X3DObject cone = selection[0];
            SetDataArray2D( cone );

#include <xsi_iceattributedataarray2D.h>

Inheritance diagram for CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T >:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CICEAttributeDataArray2D ()
 ~CICEAttributeDataArray2D ()
CStatus GetSubArray (ULONG in_index, CICEAttributeDataArray< T > &out_dataArray) const
CStatus ResizeSubArray (ULONG in_index, ULONG in_size, CICEAttributeDataArray< T > &out_dataArray)
CStatus SetSubArray (ULONG in_index, const T *in_pArray, ULONG in_count)
CStatus SetArray2D (const T **in_ppArray, ULONG in_nbSubArrays, ULONG *in_pSubArraySizes)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~CICEAttributeDataArray2D ( ) [inline]


Member Function Documentation

CStatus GetSubArray ( ULONG  in_index,
CICEAttributeDataArray< T > &  out_dataArray 
) const [inline]

Accessor to the encapsulated array. This operator is called when reading the data so the return value is read-only.

in_indexIndex in the array. The index must be smaller than the number of elements in the array, otherwise the result is unpredictable.
out_dataArrayA read-only reference to a CICEAttributeDataArray<T> object at a specific index.
CStatus::OK Success
CStatus::InvalidArgument If in_index or out_dataArray is invalid.
CStatus ResizeSubArray ( ULONG  in_index,
ULONG  in_size,
CICEAttributeDataArray< T > &  out_dataArray 
) [inline]

Changes the size of the sub-array at a given index and returns a new array pointing to the resized sub-array. This is only supported for writable attributes and not available for built-in attributes.

in_indexIndex in the array. The index must be smaller than the number of elements in the array, otherwise the result is unpredictable. If this DataArray2D is an array chunk, in_nIndex is relative to the chunk offset.
out_dataArrayA reference to a CICEAttributeDataArray<T> object at a specific index.
in_sizeThe size of the array.
CStatus::OK Success
CStatus::InvalidArgument If in_index or out_dataArray is invalid.
11.0 (2013)
CStatus SetSubArray ( ULONG  in_index,
const T *  in_pArray,
ULONG  in_count 

Set the sub-array at a given index This is only supported for writable attributes and not available for built-in attributes.

in_indexIndex in the array. The index must be smaller than the number of elements in the array, otherwise the result is unpredictable. If this DataArray2D is an array chunk, in_index is relative to the chunk offset.
in_pArrayArray containing the input data
CStatus::OK Success
CStatus::InvalidArgument If in_index, in_pArray or in_count is invalid.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetArray2D ( const T **  in_ppArray,
ULONG  in_nbSubArrays,
ULONG *  in_pSubArraySizes 

Set all the values in the 2D ICE attribute

in_ppArrayInput 2D data array
in_nbSubArraysNumber of subarrays
in_pSubArraySizesSizes of the subarrays
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus::InvalidArgument If in_ppArray, in_nbSubArrays or in_pSubArraySizes is invalid.
CStatus::Fail Operation failed.
12.0 (2014)
This example demonstrates how to set the whole 2D array
        Application xsi;
        Model root = xsi.GetActiveSceneRoot();
        X3DObject grid( CreatePrim("Grid", "MeshSurface",  L"",  L""));

        SetValue("grid.grid.ulength", 256);
        SetValue("grid.grid.vlength", 256);
        SetValue("grid.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 256);
        SetValue("grid.polymsh.geom.subdivv", 256);

        ICEAttribute attr = grid.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().AddICEAttribute( "DataArrayLong", XSI::siICENodeDataLong, XSI::siICENodeStructureArray, XSI::siICENodeContextComponent0D );

        CString l_connSet(L"grid");
        ApplyOp( L"ICETree", l_connSet, siConstructionModeModeling );

        AddICECompoundNode("Set Data", "grid.polymsh.ICETree");
        AddICENode("$XSI_DSPRESETS\\ICENodes\\GetDataNode.Preset", "grid.polymsh.ICETree");
        SetValue("grid.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.reference", "self.DataArrayLong");
        SetValue("grid.polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Reference", "");
        ConnectICENodes("grid.polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Value", "grid.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.value");
        ConnectICENodes("grid.polymsh.ICETree.port1", "grid.polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Execute");

        DisplayPortValues(  "grid.polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Value", true, 0, 
            true, "", 0, 
            0, 0, 1, false, 
            true, 0.62, 1, 0.62, 1, 
            false, 0, 10000, 1, 
            true, false, 0, 10, 
            false, true, false, 100);

        CICEAttributeDataArray2D< LONG > data;
        attr.GetDataArray2D( data );

        CICEAttributeData2DLogger< LONG >::Log( attr ); 
        ULONG l_nbElem = attr.GetElementCount();

            LONG** l_Values = new LONG*[l_nbElem];
            ULONG* subArraySizes = new ULONG[l_nbElem];

            LONG* sub0;
            LONG* sub1;
            const ULONG SUBARRAY_SIZE = 64;

            sub0 = new LONG[SUBARRAY_SIZE];
            sub1 = new LONG[SUBARRAY_SIZE];

            for (ULONG i=0; i<SUBARRAY_SIZE; i++)
                sub0[i] = (i%2==0) ? -1 : 1;
                sub1[i] = (i%2==0) ? -2 : 2;

            for (ULONG i=0; i<l_nbElem; i++)
                l_Values[i] = (i%2==0) ? sub0 : sub1;
                subArraySizes[i] = SUBARRAY_SIZE;

            data.SetArray2D((const LONG**)l_Values, l_nbElem, subArraySizes);

            delete[] sub0;
            delete[] sub1;
            delete[] l_Values;
            delete[] subArraySizes;

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