After creating all sorts of things in your scene, you're eventually going to have to delete something. As you might expect, you can delete selected elements using the Delete key.
Note that there are additional specialized tools and commands for deleting scene objects and components:
For information about deleting objects using the Delete Objects tool, see Deleting Objects.
For information about deleting and other ways of removing polygon mesh components (points, edges, and polygons), see Removing Polygon Mesh Components [Modeling].
For information about deleting control points on curves, see Deleting Control Points on Curves [Surface and Curve Modeling].
It can take a long time to delete a large number of objects, or a complex object with many properties and operators. This is because Softimage stores a large amount of data in case you want to undo the deletion afterwards.
If you a certain that you want to delete something, you can delete it permanently. This is quicker than deleting in the usual way, but it removes the possibility of undoing the deletion and anything else you did previously.
This works with objects, branch-selected hierarchies, branch-selected models, groups, scene layers, passes, partitions, properties, operators, and clusters, but not components.
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