Category: mental ray > Texture
Related Softimage shader: Light Surface (mia)
This shader is primarily intended to help you create physically plausible renders of the "visible" portion of a light source. For example, the actual tube in a fluorescent tube or the actual bulb in a light bulb, while still using a traditional CG "light" to create the illumination of the scene.
This shader also allows you to achieve the following:
Create a surface as a "stand in" for an existing light, that looks bright, without emitting additional light into the scene.
Control the amount of reflection and light actually introduced into the scene.
Drive the appearance of the surface from an existing light source.
Create more physically correct "highlights" by replacing them with glossy reflections of actual high-intensity objects.
The mia_light_surface shader can either provide a color for itself, or derive the color from an existing (set of) light(s) in the scene. The shader only returns a color and does not do any other actual shading.
As a suggestion, you can use it plugged into the additional_color input port of the mia_material shader.
Creates a light list to specifiy which lights should produce the effect.
The lights in the Lights list are polled and their intensity is added to the output dictated by the intensity parameter. For example, if L is the output of all lights in the lights list, the final output color of the shader is: color x (L x lights_multiplier + intensity).
For more information, see Using Light Lists [Direct Illumination].
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