This compound defines the springs that are used to link a cloth object's set of points. There are three different types of springs that controlling a different kind of deformation on the cloth: stiffness, shearing, and bending.
For more information on springs, see Using the Syflex Spring Forces.
This compound is used in the Syflex Cloth compound.
Output Ports: The Force0/1/2 outputs each plug into the Force ports on the syflexISimul node, which controls the Syflex cloth simulation.
Stiffness |
Defines the stiffness (stretch) of the springs that define the cloth. See Using the Syflex Spring Forces for information on springs. A higher value makes the springs stiffer to resist deformation, while a lower value allows the cloth to become more elastic. When you change the value of any of the spring parameters (Stiffness, Shear, or Bend), you should also change the Damping value accordingly. |
Damping |
The damp coefficient, which controls the intensity of the damping effect on all three types of cloth springs: Stiffness, Shear, and Bend. When the cloth is very stiff, infinite oscillations (vibrations) may occur in the cloth. These vibrations can be avoided by increasing this value. Increasing the damping may increase the computation time, so you should change this value in small increments and test until you get the look you want. To start out, use a value that is approximately one-tenth of the Stiffness value. |
Shear |
Defines the resistance of the shearing springs in the cloth. The shearing springs connect vertices with diagonal links across the face of the polygon mesh (like a fish net). These springs control the crosswise deformation on a cloth. A higher value prevents shearing deformation, while a lower value allows the cloth to stretch crosswise. This value is a percentage of the Stiffness value. Use values between 0 and 1: generally, keep this value between 0.4 and 0.8. |
Bend |
Defines the resistance of the bending springs in the cloth. The bending springs connect every other vertex on the cloth, which allows the cloth to bend. A higher value prevents bending deformation, while a lower value allows the cloth's surface to bend more. This value is a percentage of the Stiffness value. Use values between 0 and 1: generally, keep this value between 0.1 and 0.4. |
Turn on to specify on which points the cloth creates springs. Points excluded from this list will not contain any springs on them. They might still be affected by gravity in the simulation. This only removes the cloth springs. |
In rare cases, turn on this option to recompute the cloth springs (recreate the springs). In general, these springs are created once at the beginning of the simulation. Set this to 1, and then back to 0. |
These weightmaps control the stiffness of the springs. The per-point map modifies the stiffness of each spring of the cloth that is attached to this point. . 0: the stiffness is set to 0.
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