Contains all the necessary Lagoa nodes to create a particle emission in which the particles' structure can be broken apart. The default results are a "soft body" cluster of particles that sticks to a collision object, but can be broken.
You can choose the Particles Create
Lagoa Particles
Throw Breakable Structure command from the ICE toolbar to use this compound. See Creating a Breakable Particle Structure for more information.
Plug this compound's Execute output into a port on the ICETree node or in an Execute port on a Simulation Root node.
Emitter In Name |
Plug in a volumetric object's Out Name output here. The particles fill this volume when emitted. You can also plug a group node here, with each volumetric emitter object defined in the group. |
Sim Quality |
Sets the quality of the simulation based on the Substeps and Resolution data. Increasing this value increases the substeps and particle density, which increases the time required to simulate. |
Color |
The display color of the points only at emission. This color is overridden when you select the Set Color option the color set in the Material compound (see Lagoa Main Material). Setting the color in the Material compound lets you update the point color at every frame instead of only at emission. |
Passive Body In Name |
Plug in the Out Name port of the object with which the points will collide. This object can be animated (deformation or transformation) or not. Passive objects are not affected by any type of force in the simulation environment. You can define each collision object's properties in its own Lagoa Set Collision Data compound. |
Initial Force |
The force direction given to the particles at emission. This can be in any direction (XYZ). |
Elasticity |
How much elasticity this material has in general. This value determines how much the links in the structure try to recover after being deformed. A higher value allows for a quicker recovery from the deformation. |
Elastic Breaking Point |
How much deformation is necessary to break the links between the points of this material. This is measured in radius and is relative to the resolution of the point formation. The range is from 1 to infinity, where 1 is the state of the contact links at creation point. For example, material that resists deformation at a value of 1 means that it will break apart as soon as the deformation is greater than it was at creation point. A value of 2 means that deformation must be greater than 2 times its original creation point to break the contact links. Make sure to select the Allow Tearing option in the Lagoa Simulate Multiphysics node if you want to use the Elastic Breaking Point value. |
Gravity |
A default gravity vector used by the simulator. This is the required defined gravity force used internally by the simulator, and needs to be separated from the other forces. |
Density |
Sets the density of the air — see Lagoa Air Wind. |
Force |
Defines a force value to be applied to the particles. You can connect any of the force compounds into this port, or you can type in XYZ values to create a general force if nothing is plugged in here. |
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