Define Move Animation State


This node is used in the Animation_Blending tree to provide access to prerecorded animations in the CrowdFX. It references one or multiple prerecorded animations and assigns them a meaningful name that will be later used in the Animation State Selector or Set Animation State nodes in the Behavior tree.

Before you can refer animations using this node, you must import animations into the CrowdFX (see Importing Models for CrowdFX). As an Animation State can reference multiple prerecorded animations, it can mix these animations by giving weights to them, to be set using the Set Animation State parameters.

Tasks: Crowds/Animation

Output Ports: Define — Executes the animation state for movement.

Actor Proxy

Allows to define for which actor proxy this animation state is valid.

State Name

Defines the name for the animation state.

This name is then automatically used in the Animation State Selector or Set Animation State nodes.

Pose Modifier

Here, you can connect an Ice tree to change the prerecorded animation by changing transformation values for single deformers. You can achieve this by using the Get Self Pose and Set Self Pose nodes. You can add even complex logic such as an IK solving system here.


Here, all animations that are already imported into the CrowdFX for one specific Actor are listed. The user can

You can adjust the number of loops that are contained in one prerecorded animation. Moreover, you can define the reference point for different animations if they are not in the same phase. For example, this is the case, if the walking animation starts with the left foot whereas the running animation starts with the right foot.

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