The fcurves you create in the fcurve editor can be saved as .fraw2 files and subsequently applied to other parameters. You can also import and export SOFTIMAGE|3D fcurves as .fraw files.
The .fraw format of the SOFTIMAGE|3D raw fcurve file is an ASCII file with a minimal description of fcurves as follows:
<number of keys> <interpolation mode: 0 = CONSTANT, 1 = LINEAR, 2 = SPLINE>
The .fraw2 format is a simple ASCII file that can be used to import and export fcurves to and from Softimage. It is an augmented version of the .fraw format that can describe any fcurve in Softimage. The file can contain several fcurves, each of which is described following this format:
Start_FCurve <curve name> <number of keys> <curve type> <extrapolation method> <value when no keys> <min clamping value> <max clamping value> <first segment kind> <unused field (for padding)>
Because this file format is ASCII, it's simple to write a converter for other software packages. It also makes it easy for you to save fcurve presets.
For more details on the .fraw2 format, see .fraw2 File Format.
Select the fcurve you want to save.
If you select multiple fcurves, the fcurves are saved in the .fraw2 file, but only the first one is loaded. This is because the file contains only raw data — there is no mapping information.
Choose File Save from the fcurve editor toolbar or press Ctrl+S (with the mouse pointer within the fcurve editor) to save the fcurve in an
.fraw2 file for use in Softimage.
The .fraw2 file format is a simple ASCII file that can be used to export and import fcurves to and from Softimage. It is a revamped version of the old .fraw format from SOFTIMAGE|3D. The file can contain several fcurves, each fcurve being described following this format:
Start_FCurve <curve name> <number of key> <curve type> <extrapolation method> <value when no keys> <min clamping value> <max clamping value> <first segment kind> <unused field (for padding)>
Each following line provides information on a key. Their first argument is an integer referring to the template ID of the key. The template IDs are as follows:
For the template ID 0, the line is written/read as follows:
0 <key - time> <right value> <right slope time> <right slope value> <left slope time> <left slope value> <constraints> <right segment kind>
For the template ID 1, the line is written/read as follows:
1 <key - time> <right value> <constraints>
For the template ID 2, the line is written/read as follows:
2 <key - time> <right value> <left value> <right slope time> <right slope value> <left slope time> <left slope value> <constraints> <right segment kind>
For the template ID 3, the line is written/read as follows:
3 <key - time> <right value> <left value> <constraints> End_FCurve
The bit fields and enums used are the following:
Curve type: Used to define the curve type
Extrapolation: Used to set the extrapolation of the curve (same one before the first key and after the last one)
Segment kind: Used to define the kind of segment on the right side of a key (also known as key interpolation).
0 |
Default interpolation; that is, interpolation of the previous key. |
1 |
Constant interpolation: staircase curve |
2 |
Linear interpolation |
3 |
Bézier (spline) interpolation |
Constraints: Used for the constraints field
These constraints are additive. In the example, 260 = 256 + 4 = Tangent is continuous and automatic.
Start_FCurve posy
(description of curve posy is starting)
6 20 1 6.19792 -1.79769E+308 1.79769E+308 3 0
(6 keys, standard curve, constant extrapolation, 6.19 is the value when no keys are on the curve, min value bound, max value bound, first segment kind is standard Bézier)
0 0.033367 6.197923 0.100100 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 260 3
(Continuous key with 1 tangent, time, value, right tangent x, right tangent y, left tgte x, left tgte y, constraints (bit field), Bézier segment)
0 0.333667 6.157524 0.133467 -0.327045 -0.100100 0.245284 260 3 0 0.734067 5.029417 0.094326 -0.083477 -0.142822 0.126396 260 3 0 0.934267 5.500409 0.124774 0.174916 -0.085164 -0.119389 260 3 0 1.267933 5.617429 0.139058 -0.261066 -0.135670 0.254705 260 3 0 1.601600 4.553986 0.000000 0.000000 -0.111222 0.000000 260 3 End_FCurve
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