


Types of function curves (fcurves)

C# Syntax

siFCurveType.siUnknownFCurve                                                // 0
siFCurveType.siDefaultFCurve                                                // 0
siFCurveType.siBooleanFCurve                                                // 10
siFCurveType.siIntegerFCurve                                                // 15
siFCurveType.siStandardFCurve                                               // 20
siFCurveType.siRawDataFCurve                                                // 30
siFCurveType.siQuaternionFCurve                                             // 40
Constant Value Description
siUnknownFCurve 0 Unknown fcurve type
siDefaultFCurve 0 Use the fcurve type associated with parameter type
siBooleanFCurve 10 Boolean fcurve mapping a double parameter to {0, 1}.
siIntegerFCurve 15 Integer fcurve.
siStandardFCurve 20 FCurve mapping a double parameter to a double value.
siRawDataFCurve 30 Raw data fcurve.
siQuaternionFCurve 40 Quaternion fcurve.

Applies To

Parameter.AddFCurve Parameter.AddFCurve2 AnimationSourceItem.SetAsFCurve FCurve.Type CParameterRefArray::PlotAnimation FCurve::GetFCurveType FCurve::PutFCurveType Parameter::AddFCurve

See Also

FCurve FCurveKey.LeftTanX FCurveKey.LeftTanY FCurveKey.RightTanX FCurveKey.RightTanY FCurve.Set SIObject.Type