This example creates a sample shader tree and shows how to traverse a shader
tree from left to right using the Source property and right to left using the
GetShaderParameterTargets method. Both shader compound ports and non-compound
ports are demonstrated.
// Fill the Default Material with some shaders.
CreatePrim("Sphere", "MeshSurface", null, null);
SelectObj("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material", null, null);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material", null);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Phong.ambient", false);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material", null);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share1.input", false);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material", null);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share2.input", false);
CreateShaderCompound("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share2", null);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material", null);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share.input", false);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material", null);
"Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share2.input", false);
CreateShaderCompound("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share3", null);
// Get the Shader Source (single output shader) connected to a shader input port using
// the Parameter.Source property.
Application.LogMessage( "Source (Right to Left Traversal) of single output shader" );
var oColorShareShader = GetValue("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share");
var oColorShareInputParam = oColorShareShader.Parameters.Item("input");
var oSource = oColorShareInputParam.Source;
if( oSource != null ) {
Application.LogMessage( " CnxSource: " + oSource.FullName + ", "
+ "CnxTarget: " + oColorShareInputParam.FullName +"." );
// Get the Parameter Source (multi-output shader) connected to a shader input port using
// the Parameter.Source property.
Application.LogMessage( "Source (Right to Left Traversal) of multi-output shader" );
var oColorShareShader = GetValue("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share2");
var oColorShareInputParam = oColorShareShader.Parameters.Item("input");
var oSource = oColorShareInputParam.Source;
if( oSource != null ) {
Application.LogMessage( " CnxSource: " + oSource.FullName + ", "
+ "CnxTarget: " + oColorShareInputParam.FullName +"." );
// Get each Parameter Target driven by this multi-output shader's output port using the
// Shader.GetShaderParameterTargets method.
Application.LogMessage( "Target (Left to Right Traversal) for multi-output shader" );
var oColorShareShader = GetValue("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share");
var oTargets = oColorShareShader.GetShaderParameterTargets("");
if( oTargets != null ) {
for( var i=0; i<oTargets.Count; i++ ) {
Application.LogMessage( " CnxSource: " + oColorShareShader.FullName + ", "
+ "CnxTarget: " + oTargets.Item(i).FullName +"." );
// Get the Parameter Source connected inside a shader compound output port using
// the Parameter.Source property.
Application.LogMessage( "Source (Right to Left Traversal) of shader compound" );
var oShaderCompound = GetValue("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.ShaderCompound1");
var oShaderCompoundOutputParam = oShaderCompound.Parameters.Item("input");
var oSource = oShaderCompoundOutputParam.Source;
if( oSource != null ) {
Application.LogMessage( " CnxSource: " + oSource.FullName + ", "
+ "CnxTarget: " + oShaderCompoundOutputParam.FullName +"." );
// Get the Parameter Target driven by this shader's output port (connected inside a shader
// compound) using the Shader.GetShaderParameterTargets method.
Application.LogMessage( "Target (Left to Right Traversal) for compound shader" );
var oShaderCompound = GetValue("Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.ShaderCompound");
var oShaderCompoundInputParam = oShaderCompound.Parameters.Item("input");
var oTargets = oShaderCompound.GetShaderParameterTargets( oShaderCompoundInputParam.Name );
if( oTargets != null ) {
for( var i=0; i<oTargets.Count; i++ ) {
Application.LogMessage( " CnxSource: " + oShaderCompoundInputParam.FullName + ", "
+ "CnxTarget: " + oTargets.Item(i).FullName +"." );
// Expected results:
// INFO : Source (Right to Left Traversal) of single output shader
// INFO : CnxSource: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share2,
// CnxTarget: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share.input.
// INFO : Source (Right to Left Traversal) of multi-output shader
// INFO : CnxSource: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.ShaderCompound1.input,
// CnxTarget: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share2.input.
// INFO : Target (Left to Right Traversal) for multi-output shader
// INFO : CnxSource: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share,
// CnxTarget: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Phong.ambient.
// INFO : CnxSource: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share,
// CnxTarget: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share1.input.
// INFO : CnxSource: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.Color_share,
// CnxTarget: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.ShaderCompound.input.
// INFO : Source (Right to Left Traversal) of shader compound
// INFO : CnxSource: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.ShaderCompound1.Color_share3,
// CnxTarget: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.ShaderCompound1.input.
// INFO : Target (Left to Right Traversal) for compound shader
// INFO : CnxSource: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.ShaderCompound.input,
// CnxTarget: Sources.Materials.DefaultLib.Scene_Material.ShaderCompound.Color_share2.input.