


Returns the Scene Colors Property (found under the scene's Preferences in the UI). The Scene Colors property allows you to control the color that objects and components display in their selected, unselected, and unselectable state.

The value of each color Parameter represents an RGB value as a Long (0 to 1023). For more details, see the explanation for how Wireframe colors are represented in the Color documentation.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
Property rtn = Scene.Colors;


JScript Example

        This example demonstrates how to access the scene colors
NewScene( null, false );
var colors = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Colors;
LogMessage( "Current values for " + colors + ": " );
for ( var i=0; i<colors.Parameters.Count; i++ ) {
        var col = colors.Parameters(i);
        LogMessage( "\t" + col.Name + " = " + col.Value );
// Expected Result:
//INFO : Current values for preferences.Scenecolors: 
//INFO :        3DO Selected = -1
//INFO :        Geometry = 255
//INFO :        Inherited Selection = -1183660289
//INFO :        Light = -850722561
//INFO :        Camera = 338206975
//INFO :        Ctrl Object = 6422783
//INFO :        Null = 6422783
//INFO :        Component = -16776961
//INFO :        Vertex = 65535
//INFO :        Normal = 65535
//INFO :        Curve ISO = 16711935
//INFO :        Curve Boundary = -16776961
//INFO :        Curve Surface = 65535
//INFO :        Cluster = 16711935
//INFO :        Subselection = -1598243585
//INFO :        Active = -3014401
//INFO :        Unselectable = 1431655935
//INFO :        Knot = -1522390529
//INFO :        Sampled Point = -762511361
//INFO :        Selected Cluster = -1
//INFO :        Highlight Color = -503316481
//INFO :        PSet Inspected Color = -8355585
//INFO :        Local PSet Inspected Color = -1865351169
//INFO :        Background Color = 2139062271
//INFO :        Grid Color = 421075455
//INFO :        Viewport Color = 1717987071
//INFO :        Tag Component Color = -1879047937

See Also

Preferences Color Property ProjectItem.Parameters Parameter