


Returns the Euler angles values of the rotation.

Note: This method uses output arguments. C# and some scripting languages (such as JScript and PerlScript) don't support arguments passed by reference. However, there is a alternate version of this method which is considered safe to use with C#, JScript and PerlScript: SITransformation.GetRotationXYZAnglesValues2

C# Syntax

SITransformation.GetRotationXYZAnglesValues( Object& out_pvarX, Object& out_pvarY, Object& out_pvarZ );

Scripting Syntax

SITransformation.GetRotationXYZAnglesValues( out_pvarX, out_pvarY, out_pvarZ );


Parameter Type Description
out_pvarX Double X Euler angle value
out_pvarY Double Y Euler angle value
out_pvarZ Double Z Euler angle value


VBScript Example

set globalRot = XSIMath.CreateVector3
globalRot.Set 45.0, 0.0, -60.0
set transfo = XSIMath.CreateTransform
transfo.SetRotationFromXYZAngles globalRot
' Get the rotation euler values
transfo.GetRotationXYZAnglesValues rotX, rotY, rotZ
Application.LogMessage "rot X: " & rotX & " rot Y: " & rotY & " rot Z: " & rotZ

See Also

SITransformation.GetRotationXYZAnglesValues2 SIVector3 SIMatrix3 SIMatrix4 SIRotation SITransformation SIQuaternion