

Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: CRotation


This object represents a rotation in 3D space. It supports three representation methods: X, Y and Z Euler angles, Quaternion and 3 by 3 matrix.

Note: When represented as X,Y,Z Euler angles the values are always in Radians, not degrees.


Copy GetAxisAngle GetAxisAngle2 GetMatrix3
GetQuaternion GetXYZAngles GetXYZAnglesValues GetXYZAnglesValues2
Invert InvertInPlace Mul MulInPlace
SetFromAxisAngle SetFromMatrix3 SetFromQuaternion SetFromXYZAngles
SetFromXYZAnglesValues SetFromXYZAxes SetIdentity  


Quaternion RotX RotY RotZ


JScript Example

        Demonstrates different representations of a rotation: 
        -As a SIRotation object
        -As a 3x3 matrix
        -As a 4x4 matrix
        -As a SITransformation object
        -As a SIVector3 object
var oSIRotation = XSIMath.CreateRotation( 
                                XSIMath.DegreesToRadians( 45 ),
                                XSIMath.DegreesToRadians( 30 ),
                                XSIMath.DegreesToRadians( 15 ) ) ;
oSIMatrix3 = XSIMath.CreateMatrix3() ;
oSIRotation.GetMatrix3( oSIMatrix3 ) ;
oSIMatrix4 = ConvertMatrix3ToMatrix4( oSIMatrix3 ) ;
oSITransformation = XSIMath.CreateTransform() ;
oSITransformation.SetMatrix4( oSIMatrix4 ) ;
var oSIVector3 = XSIMath.CreateVector3() ;
oSITransformation.GetRotationXYZAngles( oSIVector3 ) ;
// Prove that we haven't lost the original rotation values
Application.LogMessage( "Rotation " + 
                        XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees( oSIVector3.X ) + ", " +
                        XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees( oSIVector3.Y ) + ", " +
                        XSIMath.RadiansToDegrees( oSIVector3.Z ) ) ;
// Output (notice very small rounding problems that occur
// when dealing with pi and trig functions):
//INFO : Rotation 45, 29.999999999999996, 14.999999999999998
function ConvertMatrix3ToMatrix4( oM3 )
        // Helper function to convert 3x3 rotation matrix
        // to equivalent 4x4 transformation matrix:
        // r11 r12 r13 0
        // r21 r22 r23 0
        // r31 r32 r33 0
        // 0   0    0  1
        oSIMatrix4 = XSIMath.CreateMatrix4(
                oM3(0,0), oM3(0,1), oM3(0,2), 0,
                oM3(1,0), oM3(1,1), oM3(1,2), 0,
                oM3(2,0), oM3(2,1), oM3(2,2), 0,
                0,        0,        0,        1 ) ;
        return oSIMatrix4 ;     

See Also

SIVector3 SIMatrix3 SIMatrix4 SIRotation SITransformation SIQuaternion XSIMath.DegreesToRadians