


v8.0 (2010)


Returns an Array of custom data types defined for this ICENodePort. Custom data types are defined by custom ICENodes and used as data type for defining custom ICEPorts and ICEAttributes. The array is empty if no custom types are defined on this port.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
Object rtn = ICENodePort.CustomDataTypes;


Python Example

from win32com.client import constants
app = Application
log = app.LogMessage
# Loads the GridWalker custom node plug-in from the examples workgroup
wrkgrp = XSIUtils.BuildPath( app.GetInstallationPath2(constants.siFactoryPath ), "XSISDK", "examples", "workgroup" )
app.AddWorkgroup( wrkgrp )
# Opens the GridWalker scene containing custom data types 
app.OpenScene( XSIUtils.BuildPath( wrkgrp, "Addons", "CustomICENodes", "Data", "Project", "Scenes", "GridWalker" ) + ".scn", False )
# Log the ports with custom data types
node = app.ActiveSceneRoot.FindChild("grid").ActivePrimitive.ICETrees(0).Nodes("GridWalker")
for p in node.InputPorts:
        if p.DataType == constants.siICENodeDataCustomType:
                log( "Custom data type for input port <" + p.Name + ">: " + p.CustomDataTypes[0] )
for p in node.OutputPorts:
        if p.DataType == constants.siICENodeDataCustomType:
                log( "Custom data type for output port <" + p.Name + ">: " + p.CustomDataTypes[0] )
# Output:
# INFO : Custom data type for input port <InState>: GridWalkState_v1
# INFO : Custom data type for output port <OutState>: GridWalkState_v1

See Also

ICEAttribute.CustomDataTypes ICENodePort::GetCustomDataTypes ICENodeDef::DefineCustomType