


Returns a String containing a list of the categories that the command belongs to. This information is similar to SIObject.Categories but this method returns a pipe-delimited ("|") string rather than an array.

Custom commands always belong to the category "Custom". If an siCommandCategory was specified in the call to XSIApplication.CreateCommand then a string representing the specified category is included in the returned string.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
String rtn = Command.Category;


1. JScript Example

        Example of Category, using the embedded approach
var cmd = Application.CreateCommand( "Demo", siImportCategory )
cmd.ScriptingName = "Demo" ;
cmd.Language = "JScript" ;
cmd.Handler = "Demo" ; 
cmd.Code = Demo.toString() ; // Embed the code directly in the definition
Application.AddCommand( cmd ) ;
//INFO : "Custom|Import|File"
logmessage( cmd.Category ) ;
Application.RemoveCommand( "Demo" ) ;
function Demo()
        LogMessage( "Demo called" ) ;

2. VBScript Example

'       VBScript example
set cmd = Application.Commands("Twist")
LogMessage "Command category: " & cmd.category

See Also
