CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T > Class Template Reference
CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T > Class Template Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Softimage 2014.

#include <xsi_iceattributedataarray2D.h>

Class Description

template<class T>
class XSI::CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T >

This template class encapsulates ICEAttribute data as a 2D array. CICEAttributeDataArray2D objects are read-only and can be filled with the methods supplied with the ICEAttribute class. CICEAttributeDataArray2D is zero-based and can be one of the following types:

All types are associated to specific ICEAttribute 2D types. Therefore, you need to declare the right array object type that matches the ICEAttribute data type you want to access. Otherwise a runtime error will occur and the returned array will be empty.

See also:
ICEAttribute::GetDataArray2D, ICEAttribute::GetDataArray2DChunk, Type Definitions for CICEAttributeDataArray2D
This example demonstrates how to iterate over the EnvelopeWeightsPerDeformer ClusterProperty attribute data on en envelope.
                using namespace XSI;

                X3DObject cone = CreatePrim( L"Cone", L"MeshSurface", L"", L"");
                Create2DSkeleton( 2.95, 3.34, -0.33, 4.73, 0.0, 0.0, -5.71, 0, 0, 4, CValue(""), CValue(""));
                AppendBone( L"eff", 3.70, -3.02, 0.30, L"");

                XSI::siConstructionMode mode = siConstructionModeModeling;
                ApplyFlexEnv( L"cone;bone,bone1,eff", true, mode );
                SelectObj( L"cone.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", L"", L"" );

                // Make sure to generate the data first

                Application xsi;
                ProjectItem envProp = xsi.GetSelection()[0];

                ICEAttribute attr = envProp.GetICEAttributeFromName( L"EnvelopeWeightsPerDeformer" );

                CICEAttributeDataArray2DFloat weight2D;
                attr.GetDataArray2D( weight2D );

                for( ULONG i=0; i<weight2D.GetCount( ); i++ )
                        CICEAttributeDataArray< float > weights;
                        weight2D.GetSubArray( i, weights );
                        for( ULONG j=0; j<weights.GetCount( ); j++ )
                                xsi.LogMessage( CString( weights[ j ] ) );

                // Helpers
                CValue CreatePrim( const CString& in_presetobj, const CString& in_geometrytype, const CString& in_name, const CString& in_parent )
                        CValueArray args(4);
                        CValue retval;
                        args[0]= in_presetobj;
                        args[1]= in_geometrytype;
                        args[2]= in_name;
                        args[3]= in_parent;

                        Application app;
                        app.ExecuteCommand( L"CreatePrim", args, retval );
                        return retval;

                CValue Create2DSkeleton( const CValue& in_rx, const CValue& in_ry, const CValue& in_rz, const CValue& in_ex, const CValue& in_ey, const CValue& in_ez, const CValue& in_nx, const CValue& in_ny, const CValue& in_nz, const CValue& in_viewtype,  CValue& out_bone,  CValue& out_effector )
                        CValueArray args(12);
                        CValue retval;

                        args[0]= in_rx;
                        args[1]= in_ry;
                        args[2]= in_rz;
                        args[3]= in_ex;
                        args[4]= in_ey;
                        args[5]= in_ez;
                        args[6]= in_nx;
                        args[7]= in_ny;
                        args[8]= in_nz;
                        args[9]= in_viewtype;

                        Application app;
                        app.ExecuteCommand( L"Create2DSkeleton", args, retval );

                        out_bone = args[10];
                        out_effector = args[11];
                        return retval;

                CValue AppendBone( const CValue&  in_inputobjs, const CValue& in_ex, const CValue& in_ey, const CValue& in_ez, bool in_pin )
                        CValueArray args(5);
                        CValue retval;

                        args[0]= in_inputobjs;
                        args[1]= in_ex;
                        args[2]= in_ey;
                        args[3]= in_ez;
                        args[4]= in_pin;

                        Application app;
                        app.ExecuteCommand( L"AppendBone", args, retval );

                        return retval;

                CValue ApplyFlexEnv( const CValue&  in_connectionset, bool in_assignnewdeformers,  XSI::siConstructionMode & io_constructionmode )
                        CValueArray args(3);
                        CValue retval;

                        args[0]= in_connectionset;
                        args[1]= in_assignnewdeformers;
                        args[2]= io_constructionmode;

                        Application app;
                        app.ExecuteCommand( L"ApplyFlexEnv", args, retval );

                        io_constructionmode = (XSI::siConstructionMode)(LONG)args[2];
                        return retval;

                void SelectObj( const CValue&  in_selectionlist, const CString& in_hierarchylevel, bool in_checkobjectselectability )
                        CValueArray args(3);
                        CValue retval;
                        args[0]= in_selectionlist;
                        args[1]= in_hierarchylevel;
                        args[2]= in_checkobjectselectability;

                        Application app;

                        CStatus st = app.ExecuteCommand( L"SelectObj", args, retval );
This example demonstrates how to set an ICEAttribute of structure type siICENodeStructureArray.
                using namespace XSI;

                CValue CreatePrim( const CString& in_presetobj, const CString& in_geometrytype, const CString& in_name, const CString& in_parent )
                        CValueArray args(4);
                        CValue retval;
                        args[0]= in_presetobj;
                        args[1]= in_geometrytype;
                        args[2]= in_name;
                        args[3]= in_parent;
                        Application app;
                        app.ExecuteCommand( L"CreatePrim", args, retval );
                        return retval;

                template < class T >
                class CICEAttributeData2D
                        static void Log( ICEAttribute& attr )
                                Application xsi;
                                xsi.LogMessage( L"*******************************************************************" );
                                xsi.LogMessage( L"Name: " + attr.GetName() );
                                xsi.LogMessage( L"DataType: " + CString(attr.GetDataType()) );

                                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T > data2D;
                                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );
                                for( ULONG i=0; i<data2D.GetCount( ); i++ )
                                        CICEAttributeDataArray< T > data;
                                        data2D.GetSubArray( i, data );
                                        for( ULONG j=0; j<data.GetCount( ); j++ )
                                                xsi.LogMessage( CString( j ) + "   " + CString( data[ j ] ) );
                        static void SetData( const X3DObject & in_Obj, XSI::siICENodeDataType in_DataType, const CString& in_csDataName, const T in_Value )
                                ICEAttribute attr = in_Obj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().AddICEAttribute( in_csDataName, in_DataType, XSI::siICENodeStructureArray, XSI::siICENodeContextComponent0D );

                                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T > data2D;
                                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );

                                CICEAttributeDataArray< T > data;
                                ULONG subArraySize = 6; // This can be any number. 
                                data2D.ResizeSubArray( 0 ,subArraySize ,data );

                                T l_Values[subArraySize] = { in_Value, in_Value, in_Value, in_Value, in_Value, in_Value };
                                memcpy( &data[0], &l_Values[0], subArraySize * sizeof(T) );

                                CICEAttributeData2D<T>::Log( attr );


                template <  >
                class CICEAttributeData2D< bool >
                        static void Log( ICEAttribute& attr )
                                Application xsi;
                                xsi.LogMessage( L"*******************************************************************" );
                                xsi.LogMessage( L"Name: " + attr.GetName() );
                                xsi.LogMessage( L"DataType: " + CString(attr.GetDataType()) );

                                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< bool > data2D;
                                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );
                                for( ULONG i=0; i<data2D.GetCount( ); i++ )
                                        CICEAttributeDataArray< bool > data;
                                        data2D.GetSubArray( i, data );
                                        for( ULONG j=0; j<data.GetCount( ); j++ )
                                                xsi.LogMessage( CString( j ) + "   " + CString( data[ j ] ) );
                        static void SetData( const X3DObject & in_Obj, XSI::siICENodeDataType in_DataType, const CString& in_csDataName, const bool in_Value )
                                ICEAttribute attr = in_Obj.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().AddICEAttribute( in_csDataName, in_DataType, XSI::siICENodeStructureArray, XSI::siICENodeContextComponent0D );

                                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< bool > data2D;
                                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );

                                CICEAttributeDataArray< bool > data;
                                ULONG subArraySize = 6; // This can be any number. 
                                data2D.ResizeSubArray( 0, subArraySize, data );

                                data.SetData(0, in_Value);
                                data.SetData(1, !in_Value);
                                data.SetData(2, in_Value);
                                data.SetData(3, !in_Value);
                                data.SetData(4, in_Value);
                                data.SetData(5, !in_Value);

                                CICEAttributeData2D<bool>::Log( attr );


                template < >
                class CICEAttributeData2D< XSI::CString >
                        static void Log( ICEAttribute& attr )
                                CICEAttributeDataArray2DString data2D;
                                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );
                                Application xsi;
                                for( ULONG i=0; i<data2D.GetCount( ); i++ )
                                        CICEAttributeDataArrayString data;
                                        data2D.GetSubArray( i, data );
                                        for( ULONG j=0; j<data.GetCount( ); j++ )
                                                xsi.LogMessage( CString( i ) + " , " + CString( j ) + " : " +data[ j ] );

                        static void SetData( const X3DObject & in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataType in_DataType, const CString& in_csDataName, const XSI::CString in_Value )
                                ICEAttribute attr = in_Cone.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().AddICEAttribute( in_csDataName, in_DataType, XSI::siICENodeStructureArray, XSI::siICENodeContextComponent0D );

                                CICEAttributeDataArray2DString data2D;
                                attr.GetDataArray2D( data2D );

                                        CICEAttributeDataArrayString data;
                                        ULONG subArraySize = 6; // This can be any number. 
                                        data2D.ResizeSubArray( 0, subArraySize, data );

                                        data.SetData(0, in_Value);
                                        data.SetData(2, in_Value);
                                        data.SetData(4, in_Value);

                                        CICEAttributeDataArrayString data;
                                        ULONG subArraySize = 24; // This can be any number. 
                                        data2D.ResizeSubArray( 1, subArraySize, data );

                                        data.SetData(0, in_Value);
                                        data.SetData(12, in_Value);
                                        data.SetData(60, in_Value);

                                CICEAttributeData2D<XSI::CString>::Log( attr );


                void  SetDataArray2D( const X3DObject & in_Cone )

                        CICEAttributeData2D<LONG>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataLong, "TestLong", 20 );

                        CICEAttributeData2D<float>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataFloat, "Testfloat", -20 );

                        CICEAttributeData2D<bool>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataBool, "TestBOOL", true );
                        MATH::CVector2f Vec2f( 20, -20);
                        CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CVector2f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataVector2, "TestVector2", Vec2f );

                        MATH::CVector3f Vec3f( 20, -20, 20);
                        CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CVector3f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataVector3, "TestVector3", Vec3f );

                        MATH::CVector4f Vec4f( 20, -20, 20, -20);
                        CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CVector4f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataVector4, "TestVector4", Vec4f );

                        MATH::CQuaternionf Quat( 20, -20, 20 ,20);
                        CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CQuaternionf>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataQuaternion, "TestQuat", Quat );

                        MATH::CRotationf Rot( 45, -45, 45 );
                        CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CRotationf>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataRotation, "TestRot", Rot );

                        MATH::CMatrix3f Mat3( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
                        CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CMatrix3f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataMatrix33, "TestMat3", Mat3 );

                        MATH::CMatrix4f Mat4( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 );
                        CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CMatrix4f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataMatrix44, "TestMat4", Mat4 );

                        MATH::CColor4f Col4( 20, -20, 20, 1);
                        CICEAttributeData2D<MATH::CColor4f>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataColor4, "TestCol4", Col4 );

                        CICEAttributeData2D<CString>::SetData( in_Cone, XSI::siICENodeDataString, "TestString", "hum!" );

                        Application xsi;
                        CreatePrim( L"Cone", L"MeshSurface", L"", L"");
                        Selection selection = xsi.GetSelection();
                        X3DObject cone = selection[0];
                        SetDataArray2D( cone );
Inheritance diagram for CICEAttributeDataArray2D< T >:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  CICEAttributeDataArray2D ()
  ~CICEAttributeDataArray2D ()
CStatus  GetSubArray (ULONG in_index, CICEAttributeDataArray< T > &out_dataArray) const
CStatus  ResizeSubArray (ULONG in_index, ULONG in_size, CICEAttributeDataArray< T > &out_dataArray)
CStatus  SetSubArray (ULONG in_index, const T *in_pArray, ULONG in_count)
CStatus  SetArray2D (const T **in_ppArray, ULONG in_nbSubArrays, ULONG *in_pSubArraySizes)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~CICEAttributeDataArray2D ( ) [inline]


Member Function Documentation

CStatus GetSubArray ( ULONG  in_index,
CICEAttributeDataArray< T > &  out_dataArray 
) const [inline]

Accessor to the encapsulated array. This operator is called when reading the data so the return value is read-only.

in_index Index in the array. The index must be smaller than the number of elements in the array, otherwise the result is unpredictable.
out_dataArray A read-only reference to a CICEAttributeDataArray<T> object at a specific index.
CStatus::OK Success
CStatus::InvalidArgument If in_index or out_dataArray is invalid.
CStatus ResizeSubArray ( ULONG  in_index,
ULONG  in_size,
CICEAttributeDataArray< T > &  out_dataArray 
) [inline]

Changes the size of the sub-array at a given index and returns a new array pointing to the resized sub-array. This is only supported for writable attributes and not available for built-in attributes.

in_index Index in the array. The index must be smaller than the number of elements in the array, otherwise the result is unpredictable. If this DataArray2D is an array chunk, in_nIndex is relative to the chunk offset.
out_dataArray A reference to a CICEAttributeDataArray<T> object at a specific index.
in_size The size of the array.
CStatus::OK Success
CStatus::InvalidArgument If in_index or out_dataArray is invalid.
11.0 (2013)
CStatus SetSubArray ( ULONG  in_index,
const T *  in_pArray,
ULONG  in_count 

Set the sub-array at a given index This is only supported for writable attributes and not available for built-in attributes.

in_index Index in the array. The index must be smaller than the number of elements in the array, otherwise the result is unpredictable. If this DataArray2D is an array chunk, in_index is relative to the chunk offset.
in_pArray Array containing the input data
CStatus::OK Success
CStatus::InvalidArgument If in_index, in_pArray or in_count is invalid.
12.0 (2014)
CStatus SetArray2D ( const T **  in_ppArray,
ULONG  in_nbSubArrays,
ULONG *  in_pSubArraySizes 

Set all the values in the 2D ICE attribute

in_ppArray Input 2D data array
in_nbSubArrays Number of subarrays
in_pSubArraySizes Sizes of the subarrays
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus::InvalidArgument If in_ppArray, in_nbSubArrays or in_pSubArraySizes is invalid.
CStatus::Fail Operation failed.
12.0 (2014)
This example demonstrates how to set the whole 2D array
                Application xsi;
                Model root = xsi.GetActiveSceneRoot();
                X3DObject grid( CreatePrim("Grid", "MeshSurface",  L"",  L""));

                SetValue("grid.grid.ulength", 256);
                SetValue("grid.grid.vlength", 256);
                SetValue("grid.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 256);
                SetValue("grid.polymsh.geom.subdivv", 256);

                ICEAttribute attr = grid.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry().AddICEAttribute( "DataArrayLong", XSI::siICENodeDataLong, XSI::siICENodeStructureArray, XSI::siICENodeContextComponent0D );

                CString l_connSet(L"grid");
                ApplyOp( L"ICETree", l_connSet, siConstructionModeModeling );

                AddICECompoundNode("Set Data", "grid.polymsh.ICETree");
                AddICENode("$XSI_DSPRESETS\\ICENodes\\GetDataNode.Preset", "grid.polymsh.ICETree");
                SetValue("grid.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.reference", "self.DataArrayLong");
                SetValue("grid.polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Reference", "");
                ConnectICENodes("grid.polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Value", "grid.polymsh.ICETree.SceneReferenceNode.value");
                ConnectICENodes("grid.polymsh.ICETree.port1", "grid.polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Execute");

                DisplayPortValues(      "grid.polymsh.ICETree.Set_Data.Value", true, 0, 
                        true, "", 0, 
                        0, 0, 1, false, 
                        true, 0.62, 1, 0.62, 1, 
                        false, 0, 10000, 1, 
                        true, false, 0, 10, 
                        false, true, false, 100);

                CICEAttributeDataArray2D< LONG > data;
                attr.GetDataArray2D( data );

                CICEAttributeData2DLogger< LONG >::Log( attr ); 
                ULONG l_nbElem = attr.GetElementCount();

                        LONG** l_Values = new LONG*[l_nbElem];
                        ULONG* subArraySizes = new ULONG[l_nbElem];

                        LONG* sub0;
                        LONG* sub1;
                        const ULONG SUBARRAY_SIZE = 64;

                        sub0 = new LONG[SUBARRAY_SIZE];
                        sub1 = new LONG[SUBARRAY_SIZE];

                        for (ULONG i=0; i<SUBARRAY_SIZE; i++)
                                sub0[i] = (i%2==0) ? -1 : 1;
                                sub1[i] = (i%2==0) ? -2 : 2;

                        for (ULONG i=0; i<l_nbElem; i++)
                                l_Values[i] = (i%2==0) ? sub0 : sub1;
                                subArraySizes[i] = SUBARRAY_SIZE;

                        data.SetArray2D((const LONG**)l_Values, l_nbElem, subArraySizes);

                        delete[] sub0;
                        delete[] sub1;
                        delete[] l_Values;
                        delete[] subArraySizes;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: