Toolbar Panel and Shelf Attributes

Toolbar Panel and Shelf Attributes



View attributes for the Toolbar Panel and Shelf. Some of these attributes are available for View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue but some are only available for View.GetAttributeValue. Check the third column in the table.

Note See ViewAttributes for a complete list of types of attributes that you can use when customizing your Relational Views.
Attribute Name Description Supports
activetab Specifies which tab should become the current active tab (the one being displayed).

Possible Values:


<tab index number> The string representation of the index number of the tab to make active or that is already active (available for getting and setting).
<tab name> The name of the tab to make active (available for setting only).
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
dictionary By default all labels and other visible strings (if the shelf is a toolbar type) are automatically translated if that string is found in the XSIXSI string dictionary. To turn off all translation set this attribute to "None". To specify a different dictionary set this attribute to the name of the dictionary.

Possible Values:


<name of dictionary> without the .dict extension (See XSIUtils.Translate).
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
displaymode Specifies how the shelf contents are displayed:

Possible Values:


thumbnail only Thumbnail Only.
text only Text Only.
thumbnail + text Thumbnail and Text.
View.SetAttributeValue only.
filepath The path of a directory whose contents are to be displayed (if the shelf is a folder type). This overrides the default setting in the shelf itself.

Possible Values:


<any valid filepath> The path and filename of an existing folder to display. You can use the values of environment variables in the path (for example, "$mytextures"). You can also use UNC paths (for example, "\\sysadmin\public\ready").
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
filetype The file extensions of the file types to display (if the shelf is a folder type). Use semicolons to separate multiple extensions, for example, "*.mdl; *.emdl".

Possible Values:


<any file extension> When you set this attribute, the contents of your folder tab will be filtered to only include files with the specified folder type(s).
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
showtabs Controls whether tabs are displayed or not in the pane.

Possible Values:


'true' Organized on tabs. Note: Use the string "true", not the boolean true.
'false' Display as groups. Note: Use the string "false", not the boolean false.
View.SetAttributeValue only.
targetcontent If the view is driven by a relationship (tab type = "driven"), you can specify a list of elements to display in the shelf when it is first opened.

This content can be replaced dynamically.

Possible Values:


<list of elements> A comma-delimited list of elements.
View.SetAttributeValue only.