


Offsets or scales the animation of the specified objects. This command is the User-Interface version of the Sequence functionality. It displays a modal dialog offering the user the possibility of changing the arguments. For batch scripting use the SISequence command, which is identical but shows no Property Page.

Scripting Syntax

Sequence( [InputObjs], [Type], [Offset], [Scale], [StartFrame], [EndFrame], [Pivot], Mode, [AllLayers] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of animatable parameters (for example "cone*/kine.local.pos").

Default Value: Currently selected and marked parameters or List of Selected Objects or an empty list if you want to ScaleAndOffset everything in the scene.

In this case, must pass the Type (see below) siAllAnimParams.

Type siParameterScope Object scope of the operation.

Default Value: siAllAnimatedParameters

Offset Double Value of the offset you want to apply to the animation.

Default Value: 0

Scale Double Value of the scaling factor you want to apply to the animation.

Default Value: 1

StartFrame Double Start frame of the region on which to operate.

Default Value: 1

EndFrame Double End frame of the region on which to operate.

Default Value: 100

Pivot Double Pivot frame for the scaling.

Default Value: 1

Mode siSequenceMode Affected items for SequenceAll only.

Default Value: siFCurvesAnimationSources

AllLayers Boolean Sequence keys on all layers or current layer only.

Default Value: True

See Also

SISequence ScaleAndOffset ActivateFCurve