


Activates or deactivates an entire curve or just a region of the curve.

ActivateFCurve is the command equivalent of the same functionality available in the DopeSheet. It should be used when trying to emulate the DopeSheet behavior.

Scripting Syntax

ActivateFCurve( [InputObjs], Activate, [StartFrame], [EndFrame], [Type] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of animatable parameters (for example "cone*/kine.local.pos"). This parameter uses the Type parameter to interpret which parameters to use in this way:

- If Type == siInputParameters then InputObjs is used exactly as input (either from the specified list or the animatable parameters on the selected objects).

- If Type == siAnimatedParameters then InputObjs is expected to be a list of objects on which each animatable parameter will be affected.

- If Type == siAllAnimatedParameters then the value of InputObjs is ignored and instead the command uses all animated parameters on all objects in the entire scene.

Default Value: If no value is specified for this parameter, the Object List will use the selected objects or parameters respecting the scope indicated by the Type argument.

Activate Boolean Activate or Deactivate the entire curve or the input range.

Possible Values:


0 False
1 True
StartFrame Double Start frame of the region of the fcurve(s) you want to operate.

Leave both Start and End blank for entire curve.

Value range -Inf, +Inf
EndFrame Double End frame of the region of the fcurve(s) you want to operate.

Leave both Start and End blank for entire curve.

Value range -Inf, +Inf
Type siParameterScope Parameter scope of the operation

Default Value: siInputParameters


VBScript Example

' First get a primitive and animate its translation
NewScene , False
CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface"
Translate , -7.01063515498729, 5.25147709343595, -0.525147709343595, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
SaveKey "cylinder.kine.local.posx,cylinder.kine.local.posy,cylinder.kine.local.posz", 1
SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 25
SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 25
Translate , 14.8089821251417, -10.34619367662, 1.034619367662, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
SaveKey "cylinder.kine.local.posx,cylinder.kine.local.posy,cylinder.kine.local.posz", 25
SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 50
SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 50
Translate , -15.3603803957587, -0.391901275629446, 3.91901275629446E-02, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
SaveKey "cylinder.kine.local.posx,cylinder.kine.local.posy,cylinder.kine.local.posz", 50
SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 75
SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 75
Translate , 14.5726685805916, 10.9732357176274, -1.09732357176274, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
SaveKey "cylinder.kine.local.posx,cylinder.kine.local.posy,cylinder.kine.local.posz", 75
SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 1
SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 1
SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 100
SaveKey "cylinder.kine.local.posx,cylinder.kine.local.posy,cylinder.kine.local.posz", 100
' Note: to see these deactivations open the DopeSheet on the cylinder
' Deactivate the entire posx FCurve
ActivateFCurve "cylinder.kine.local.posx", False
' Reactivate the entire posx FCurve
ActivateFCurve "cylinder.kine.local.posx", True
' Deactivate the range 20 - 60 on the posx FCurve
ActivateFCurve "cylinder.kine.local.posx", False, 20, 60
' Reactivate the range 20 - 60 on the posx FCurve
ActivateFCurve "cylinder.kine.local.posx", True, 20, 60

See Also

FCurve Sequence ScaleAndOffset