vSupernova-QFE--see RenderRegionSetRefreshMode
Toggles the render region's refresh mode in the specified
viewport(s) between the interactive mode and the camera, time and
region state mode. When the refresh mode is set to the interactive
mode, the render region will re-render its contents upon any
render-relevant change in the scene. When the refresh mode is set
to camera, time and region state mode, it only obeys explicit
refresh requests or changes to the camera, to the time or to the
region state.
Note: When toggling the refresh mode for all regions at the same
time, if at least one region is set to the interactive mode, then
the refresh mode of all regions will be set to the camera, time and
region state mode by this command. Otherwise it will be set to the
interactive mode. Also note that changing the refresh mode of all
regions will also change the global default and preferences.
This command replaces the obsolete command ToggleFreezeRefresh.
RenderRegionToggleAutoRefresh( [Viewport] ); |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Viewport | siViewport | The viewport(s) containing the render region with the refresh
mode to toggle.
Default Value: siViewportAll |
// Toggles the refresh mode of the render region in the viewport A (the top view). RenderRegionToggleAutoRefresh( siViewportA ); |
RenderRegionCreate RenderRegionClose RenderRegionToggleVisibility RenderRegionRefresh RenderRegionToggleSelectionTracking RenderRegionSave RenderRegionSetDisplayType RenderRegionSetRefreshMode RenderRegionSetRenderChannel