


Moves the current time to the previous key frame for the specified animated parameters.

Scripting Syntax

oDouble = PrevKey( [InputObjs], [Time], [Tolerance], [Layer] );

Return Value

Returns the frame number of the previous key frame as a Double. If there is no key then the following is returned: -1.#INF for C++, "-1.#INF" for VBScript and Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY for JScript.


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of animatable parameters (for example "cone*/kine.local.pos").

Default Value: Currently selected and marked parameters

Time Number Move to the key before this frame.

Default Value: Current frame

Tolerance Double Frame tolerance

Default Value: Nearest 0.5 frame (-1)

Possible Values:


>0 Get key at Frame - Tolerance
0 Key must be exactly at frame
-1 Nearest 0.5 frame
Layer Integer Animation layer

Default Value: Current animation layer (-1)


VBScript Example

' create a null with some animation
set o = getprim("null")
Translate o, -10, 5, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
savekey o & "/kine.local.pos", 1
Translate o, 10, -5, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
savekey o & "/kine.local.pos", 50
Translate o, 10, 5, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
savekey o & "/kine.local.pos", 75
' Process all the keys prior to the current frame
PrevKeys ( o & "/kine.local.pos" )
sub PrevKeys (params)
        frame = PrevKey( params )
        do while frame <> "-1.#INF"
                LogMessage "There is a key at frame " & frame
                frame = PrevKey( params )
end sub 
'INFO : "There is a key at frame 75"
'INFO : "There is a key at frame 50"
'INFO : "There is a key at frame 1"

See Also

AddFCurve RemoveAnimation RemoveAllAnimation SaveKey RemoveKey NextKey FirstKey LastKey FCurve.Keys