


Opens a new editor or other type of view in a floating window. This command also allows you to change which panel appears in the toolbar/palettes panel (provided that you haven't removed that panel from your customized layout -- see the warning below). You can display the Toolbar Panel (containing the main toolbar menus) or the Weight Paint Panel.

You can use this command to open multiple instances of any view that supports multiple instances (for example, two explorers) by setting the Reuse parameter to False. The views that support multiple instances are noted in the value list of the Type parameter.

Tip: There also some specialized commands available which take special arguments. For example, OpenNetView allows you to specify which URL to open; OpenAnimationEditor allows you to specify which animation view to show in the Animation Editor (for example, "FCurve Editor", "DopeSheet", etc.); and OpenXSIExplorer allows you to specify which viewer to show in the XSI Explorer (for example "Object View", "Schematic", etc.).

If you are looking for a way to open the transient explorer, you have to use OpenTransientExplorer as there is no corresponding value for OpenView.

Note: This command cannot switch between any of the toolbar menus on the Toolbar Panel. However, you can use this command with the Type argument set to "Toolbar Panel" to open the toolbar panel and then use the SwitchToolbar command to switch between toolbar menus (Model, Animate, Render, Simulate, and Hair).

Warning: If you are using a customized layout in which you have removed any of the embedded panels or views and you use this command to open one of those panels or views, it appears in a floating window. Conversely, if you have embedded a view in your customized layout and you use this command to open that view, it remains there and no extra window pops up (even if the view supports multiple instances).

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = OpenView( Type, [Reuse] );

Return Value

Returns the view as an View object.


Parameter Type Description
Type String Type of the new view. See View Definitions for a list of the possible type strings you can use.
Reuse Boolean Reuse any existing floating view (has no effect on embedded panels or views).

Note: This parameter only applies to views of the same type that are already open. For example, it has no effect if you specify False when you are opening the Script Editor for the first time.

Default Value: True


1. VBScript Example

' This example opens two explorers using the same floating window.
OpenView "Explorer"
OpenView "Explorer"
' If you move the one on top, you'll see there is no other explorer below.

2. VBScript Example

' This example opens two Render Trees using different floating windows.
OpenView "Render Tree"
OpenView "Render Tree", false
' If you move the one on top, you'll see there is another Render Tree below.

3. VBScript Example

' This example opens the Weight Paint Panel, then the Toolbar Panel, then switches
' to the Simulate and then Hair menus on that panel. (It happens so fast
' that you can't really see it well in the UI, but you can run each line
' individually to see each result.)
OpenView "Weight Paint Panel"
OpenView "Toolbar Panel"
SwitchToolbar 4
SwitchToolbar 5

See Also

SwitchToView SwitchToViewByType SwitchToolbar OpenXSIExplorer OpenAnimationEditor OpenTransientExplorer OpenNetView Layout.CreateView View Definitions