Edits the definition of a custom parameter. Skipped arguments
are left unchanged.
For proxy parameters it is possible to adjust the parameter name
and suggested range using this command, which leaves the master
parameter unaffected. However the Min and Max attributes of a proxy
parameter should be left the same as the master parameter's Min and
Max values.
EditParameterDefinition( [InputObj], [ParamName], [VarType], [MinValue], [MaxValue], [SuggMin], [SuggMax], [ScriptName], [Description] ); |
Parameter | Type | Description |
InputObj | String | List of custom parameters.
Default Value: Marked parameters |
ParamName | String | Name of the custom parameter. This appears in the scene explorer (unless "Show script names" is enabled). |
VarType | siVariantType | (Obsolete) It is not necessary to specify this argument, it is
Default Value: 0 |
MinValue | Double | Minimum value of the parameter |
MaxValue | Double | Maximum value of the parameter |
SuggMin | Double | Suggested minimum value of the parameter (for UI controls) |
SuggMax | Double | Suggested maximum value of the parameter (for UI controls) |
ScriptName | String | Scripting version of the parameter name. There should not be any space characters in the string. |
Description | String | A longer, descriptive version of the parameter name. This appears on the property page when the object is inspected. |
' ' This example creates a new custom property set and a new ' parameter on a dummy null and then changes its definition. ' The parameter information is logged to the Script Editor ' History Pane so you can see what has changed. ' ' Create a null to hold the new custom property set set oDummy = GetPrim( "Null" ) ' Add custom property set called Emotions to the dummy AddProp "Custom_parameter_list", , , "Emotions" ' Add custom parameter Happiness to the Emotions property set SIAddCustomParameter "null.Emotions", "Happiness", _ siDouble, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000, , 5, 0.000, 1.000 ' What does it look like before editing the definition? printParamInfo oDummy.Properties( "Emotions" ).Parameters(0) ' Update the minimum and maximum values of Happiness EditParameterDefinition oDummy & ".Emotions.Happiness", , , _ -100, 100, -100, 100 ' What does it look like afterwards? printParamInfo oDummy.Properties( "Emotions" ).Parameters(0) ' Convenience function--saves time and typing function printParamInfo( in_parameter ) LogMessage in_parameter & " information:" LogMessage "-------------------------------------" LogMessage vbTab & "Default value: " & vbTab & vbTab & in_parameter.Default LogMessage vbTab & "Description: " & vbTab & vbTab & in_parameter.Description LogMessage vbTab & "Is " & in_parameter.ScriptName & " marked?: " & vbTab & in_parameter.Marked LogMessage vbTab & "SuggestedMin value: " & vbTab & in_parameter.SuggestedMin LogMessage vbTab & "SuggestedMax value: " & vbTab & in_parameter.SuggestedMax LogMessage vbTab & "Actual Min value: " & vbTab & in_parameter.Min LogMessage vbTab & "Actual Max value: " & vbTab & in_parameter.Max LogMessage vbTab & "ScriptName: " & vbTab & vbTab & in_parameter.ScriptName LogMessage vbTab & "Value Type: " & vbTab & vbTab & in_parameter.ValueType & " (" & TypeName( in_parameter ) & ")" LogMessage vbTab & "Actual Value: " & vbTab & vbTab & in_parameter.Value end function ' Output of above script: ' ...before editing the parameter definition: 'INFO : "null.Emotions.Happiness information:" 'INFO : "-------------------------------------" 'INFO : " Default value: 0" 'INFO : " Description: Happiness" 'INFO : " Is Happiness marked?: False" 'INFO : " SuggestedMin value: 0" 'INFO : " SuggestedMax value: 1" 'INFO : " Actual Min value: 0" 'INFO : " Actual Max value: 1" 'INFO : " ScriptName: Happiness" 'INFO : " Value Type: 5 (Parameter)" 'INFO : " Actual Value: 0" ' ' ...afterwards: 'INFO : "null.Emotions.Happiness information:" 'INFO : "-------------------------------------" 'INFO : " Default value: 0" 'INFO : " Description: Happiness" 'INFO : " Is Happiness marked?: False" 'INFO : " SuggestedMin value: -100" 'INFO : " SuggestedMax value: 100" 'INFO : " Actual Min value: -100" 'INFO : " Actual Max value: 100" 'INFO : " ScriptName: Happiness" 'INFO : " Value Type: 5 (Parameter)" 'INFO : " Actual Value: 0" |