Before you can create a custom primitive object, you must register it in the XSILoadPlugin callback, which is called when Softimage loads a self-installing plug-in. You can use the PluginRegistrar.RegisterPrimitive method to register the custom primitive.
SICALLBACK XSILoadPlugin(PluginRegistrar& in_reg) { in_reg.PutAuthor(L"SoftimageUser"); in_reg.PutName(L"CustomPrimitives Plug-in"); in_reg.PutVersion(1,0); // Register primitive types in_reg.RegisterPrimitive("Box"); ... }
After registering the custom primitive object, it can be created using the create primitive commands like GetPrim and X3DObject::AddPrimitive. You can pass in the registered custom primitive type as the preset argument to the commands.
GetPrim "Box"
SICALLBACK Box_Define(const CRef& in_ref) { Context in_ctxt(in_ref); CustomPrimitive in_prim(in_ctxt.GetSource()); if(in_prim.IsValid()) { Application().LogMessage(CString("Box_Define: ") + in_prim.GetFullName()); Factory l_fact = Application().GetFactory(); double dMin = 0.01; double dMax = 10.0; CRef l_widthDef = l_fact.CreateParamDef(“Width”, CValue::siDouble, 1.0, dMin, dMax); CRef l_lengthDef = l_fact.CreateParamDef(“Length”, CValue::siDouble, 1.0, dMin, dMax); CRef l_heightDef = l_fact.CreateParamDef(“Height”, CValue::siDouble, 1.0, dMin, dMax); Parameter l_width, l_length, l_height; in_prim.AddParameter(l_widthDef, l_width); in_prim.AddParameter(l_lengthDef, l_length); in_prim.AddParameter(l_heightDef, l_height); } return CStatus::OK; } SICALLBACK Box_DefineLayout(const CRef& in_ref) { Context in_ctxt(in_ref); PPGLayout layout = in_ctxt.GetSource(); layout.Clear(); layout.AddGroup("Box Group"); layout.AddItem(“Width”, "Half-Width"); layout.AddItem(“Length”, "Half-Length"); layout.AddItem(“Height”, "Half-Height"); layout.AddButton("ConvertGeom", "Convert to PolygonMesh"); layout.AddButton("CloseTheInspector", "Close the Inspector"); layout.EndGroup(); return CStatus::OK; }
SICALLBACK Box_PPGEvent(const CRef& in_ref) { PPGEventContext in_ctxt(in_ref); switch (in_ctxt.GetEventID()) { case siOnInit: { CustomPrimitive primitive = in_ctxt.GetSource(); Application().LogMessage(CString("Box_PPGEvent: OnInit: " + primitive.GetName())); break; } case siOnClosed: { CustomPrimitive primitive = in_ctxt.GetSource(); Application().LogMessage(CString("Box_PPGEvent: siOnClosed: " + primitive.GetName())); break; } case siParameterChange: { Parameter changed = in_ctxt.GetSource(); CustomPrimitive primitive = changed.GetParent(); CString paramName = changed.GetScriptName(); // Show that it is possible to change a value in the callback. // Note that the Draw() call might see the intermediary value before // it is changed this way. if (paramName == kWidthName) { primitive.PutParameterValue(kHeightName, changed.GetValue()); } else if (paramName == kHeightName) { primitive.PutParameterValue(kWidthName, changed.GetValue()); } Application().LogMessage(CString("Box_PPGEvent: siParameterChange: " + primitive.GetName() + CString("/") + paramName + CString(" = ") + changed.GetValue().GetAsText())); break; } ... } return CStatus::OK; }
SICALLBACK Box_Draw(const CRef& in_ref) { Context in_ctxt(in_ref); CustomPrimitive in_prim(in_ctxt.GetSource()); if(!in_prim.IsValid()) { return CStatus::Fail; } // Keep a cache of primitive data. Box_CachedData& data = g_Cache.Get(in_prim); double boxHalfWidth = data.halfWidth; double boxHalfLength = data.halfLength; double boxHalfHeight = data.halfHeight; // Draw Box ::glBegin(); ... ::glEnd(); return CStatus::OK; }
A bounding box represents a simplified version of a custom primitive object and it is used for improving performance in certain operations. The BoundingBox callback returns the bounding box for the custom primitive.
SICALLBACK Box_BoundingBox(const CRef& in_ref) { Context in_ctxt(in_ref); CustomPrimitive in_prim(in_ctxt.GetSource()); if(!in_prim.IsValid()) { return CStatus::Fail; } // Keep a cache of primitive data. Box_CachedData& data = g_Cache.Get(in_prim); double boxHalfWidth = data.halfWidth; double boxHalfHeight = data.halfHeight; double boxHalfLength = data.halfLength; in_ctxt.PutAttribute("LowerBoundX", -boxHalfWidth); in_ctxt.PutAttribute("LowerBoundY", -boxHalfHeight); in_ctxt.PutAttribute("LowerBoundZ", -boxHalfLength); in_ctxt.PutAttribute("UpperBoundX", boxHalfWidth); in_ctxt.PutAttribute("UpperBoundY", boxHalfHeight); in_ctxt.PutAttribute("UpperBoundZ", boxHalfLength); return CStatus::OK; }
Like other implicit primitives, a custom primitive object can be converted to a geometry using either the SIConvert command or CreatePrim command. In Softimage 2014, a custom primitive object can be converted to PolygonMesh only.
SICALLBACK Box_ConvertToGeom(const CRef& in_ref) // // This callback is invoked when the SIConvert or CreatePrim commands are run // for a custom primitive object. // { CustomPrimitiveContext in_ctxt(in_ref); CustomPrimitive in_prim(in_ctxt.GetSource()); if(!in_prim.IsValid()) { return CStatus::Fail; } Box_CachedData& data = g_Cache.Get(in_prim); double boxHalfWidth = data.halfWidth; double boxHalfHeight = data.halfHeight; double boxHalfLength = data.halfLength; double boxMinPt[3]; double boxMaxPt[3]; boxMinPt[0] = -boxHalfWidth; boxMinPt[1] = -boxHalfHeight; boxMinPt[2] = 0; boxMaxPt[0] = boxHalfWidth; boxMaxPt[1] = boxHalfHeight; boxMaxPt[2] = 0; Geometry out_geo = in_ctxt.GetGeometry(); // PolygonMesh support PolygonMesh out_mesh(out_geo); if(out_mesh.IsValid()) { // Convert to polygon MATH::CVector3Array out_verts; CLongArray out_faces; int index = 0; for (int i = -boxHalfLength; i <= boxHalfLength; ++i) { MATH::CVector3 vMinXMinY(-boxHalfWidth, -boxHalfHeight, 1.0 * i); MATH::CVector3 vMinXMaxY(-boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight, 1.0 * i); MATH::CVector3 vMaxXMinY(boxHalfWidth, -boxHalfHeight, 1.0 * i); MATH::CVector3 vMaxXMaxY(boxHalfWidth, boxHalfHeight, 1.0 * i); out_verts.Add(vMinXMinY); out_verts.Add(vMinXMaxY); out_verts.Add(vMaxXMaxY); out_verts.Add(vMaxXMinY); out_faces.Add(4); // Vertex count for tri out_faces.Add(index + 0); out_faces.Add(index + 1); out_faces.Add(index + 2); out_faces.Add(index + 3); index += 4; } return out_mesh.Set(out_verts, out_faces); } }
In the ConvertToGeom callback, a geometry is attached to the context in the callback. You can update the geometry with the result of the conversion.
For more information, see the custom primitive examples in the SDK workgroup (<your_installation_folder>\Softimage2014\XSISDK\examples\workgroup\Addons\CustomPrimitive).
You can use the Custom Primitive Wizard to generate the code for a self-installing plug-in that contains a custom primitive
object. To access the Custom Primitive Wizard, select Plug-in Manager File
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