CrowdFX Actors Proxies Property Editor


Lets you inspect actor proxies in a Crowd model, as well as add new actor proxies to, or remove them from, the crowd simulation.

To display: Do either of the following:

For general information about actors, see CrowdFX Actors.

Actor Proxies


The list of all actor proxies that are in the crowd simulation (in this Crowd model). Actor proxies are copies of the original source model.



Opens the CrowdFX Actor Proxy Property Editor for the actor proxy that you selected in the List above.

View Rig

Opens an object view window that displays the selected actor proxy's rig. See Modifying the Actor's Rig for more information.



Click this button, then select a model in the scene to add it as an actor to the Crowd model. See Loading Actors for the Crowd Simulation for more information.


Opens the browser from which you can import a model (.emdl file) to add as an actor to the Crowd model.


Select an actor proxy from the List above, then click this button to remove it from the Crowd model. This does not delete the actor's original source model from the scene.

Show/Hide Proxy Deformers

Toggles the display of the selected actor proxy's rig of deformers in an object view or viewport - see Modifying the Actor's Rig.

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