
GridData.Data operator




セルデータの 2D 配列全体を設定したり、戻したりします。データは Variant の 2D の SAFEARRAY で表されます。

第 1 次元が列、第 2 次元が行です。

事前に GridData.ColumnCountArray を設定しておくと、1D の SAFEARRAY または Jscript GridData.RowCount を使用してプロパティを設定することもできます。この場合は、配列内にRow * Column項目を含め、1列ごとではなく1行ごとにデータを解釈させる必要があります。

このプロパティを使用すると、2D 配列を戻す任意の Softimage メソッドからデータを操作できます(ClusterProperty データなど)。以下にその一例を挙げます。


// get accessor

Object rtn = GridData.Data;

// set accessor

GridData.Data = Object;

1. VBScript の例

'Demonstrate setting data with the GridData.Data method

set oGridData = XSIFactory.CreateGridData

'Create an array with 2 columns

'and 4 rows.  

dim mydata( 1, 3 )

'Initialize the data (we leave one row empty)

mydata( 0, 0 ) = 12000

mydata( 1, 0 ) = "Col1Row0"

mydata( 0, 1 ) = "Col0Row1"

mydata( 1, 1 ) = 4.567

mydata( 0, 3 ) = "Col0Row3"

mydata( 1, 3 ) = Now 	'Store current time

'It is not necessary to set the 

'rows and columns if we provide a complete

'2D array

oGridData.Data = mydata

logmessage "Columns: " & oGridData.ColumnCount & _

	" Rows: " & oGridData.RowCount

logmessage "Data contents:"

'Print out the table of items

dim i

for i = 0 to oGridData.RowCount - 1

	logmessage oGridData.GetCell( 0, i ) & vbTab & vbTab & vbTab & _

		oGridData.GetCell( 1, i )


' Output of this script is the following

' (the date on the last line will change each time it is run)


'INFO : "Columns: 2 Rows: 4"

'INFO : "Data contents:"

'INFO : "12000			Col1Row0"

'INFO : "Col0Row1			4.567"

'INFO : "			"

'INFO : "Col0Row3			8/27/2003 11:18:12"

2. JScript の例

//Demonstrate setting data with the GridData.Data method

var oGridData = XSIFactory.CreateGridData();

//In jscript we have no 2-D array but we

//can provide a 1-D array and tell the GridData how

//to interprete it

var myData = new Array( 8 );

//Initialize the data (we leave one row empty)

myData[ 0 ] = 12000;

myData[ 1 ] = "Col1Row0";

myData[ 2 ] = "Col0Row1";

myData[ 3 ] = 4.567;

myData[ 6 ] = "Col0Row3";

myData[ 7 ] = new Date(); 	//Store current time

oGridData.RowCount = 4 ;

oGridData.ColumnCount = 2 ;

oGridData.Data = myData ;

logmessage( "Columns: " + oGridData.ColumnCount + 

	" Rows: " + oGridData.RowCount ) ;

logmessage( "Data contents:" ) ;

//Print out the table of items

for ( var i = 0 ; i < oGridData.RowCount ; i++ )


	logmessage( oGridData.GetCell( 0, i ) + "\t\t\t" + 

				  oGridData.GetCell( 1, i ) ) ;


//Output of this script is the following

//(the date on the last line will change each time it is run)


//INFO : "Columns: 2 Rows: 4"

//INFO : "Data contents:"

//INFO : "12000			Col1Row0"

//INFO : "Col0Row1			4.567"

//INFO : "undefined			undefined"

//INFO : "Col0Row3			Wed Aug 27 11:25:29 EDT 2003"


GridData.SetColumnValues GridData.SetRowValues