Sets the strength with which the selected points or edges of a polygon mesh control hull "pull" on the corresponding subdivision
surface, creating creases or hard edges. This is similar to the Mark Hard Edge/Vertex Property Editor but lets you control the degree of the effect.
To apply: Select one or more points or edges on the control hull of a subdivision surface, then choose from the Model menu.
To redisplay: Select the control hull, then choose from the Edit panel and click the tab.
The strength by which the corresponding components of the control hull pull on the subdivision surface. You can set any value
up to 10, but values greater than the Subdivision Depth of the subdivision surface do not increase the effect.
Right-click on the connection icon to connect or disconnect a weight map. You can connect to any weight map, even if it's
not applied to the same cluster as the crease operator. You can also use a point weight map to modulate creases on edges.
Toggles the activeness of the connected weight map. When on, the connected weight map drives the hardness of points in combination
with the EdgeCreaseValue slider. When off, the hardness is determined by the slider alone.