Lattice Property Editor


Lattice objects are used to control lattice deformations. For more information about lattices, see Lattices [Modeling and Deformation Basics].

To create a lattice: Select the objects to be deformed then choose Get Primitive Lattice from a default toolbar.

To redisplay: Select the lattice and press Enter.

Subdivision X, Y, Z

The resolution of the lattice in each of the three axes. Higher values provide finer control of the lattice deformation.

Interpolation X, Y, Z

The interpolation type of the lattice deformation in each of the three axes. Curve provides smoother deformation than Linear.

The undeformed object (A) compared with the effects of linear interpolation (B) and curve interpolation (C).

Pre-Deformed Size X, Y, Z

The size of the lattice in Softimage units. This is used to determine whether a point on a deformed object falls inside the lattice's pre-deformed bounding box and thus gets deformed.

NoteTo deform objects by an existing lattice, select the objects, choose Modify Deform by Lattice from the Model toolbar (or Deform Deform by Lattice from the Animate toolbar), then pick the lattice.