Direction Constraint Property Editor


| Direction | Up Vector Options

Constrains the axis of a selected object to another object without changing the location of the constrained object; instead, it changes the orientation of the constrained object. The aligned axis (the X axis by default) of the constrained object always remains facing the center of the constraining object.

For more information, see Direction Constraints [ Animation ].

To apply: Select an object, Constrain Direction, then pick the object to which the selected object will be constrained.

To redisplay: Select the constrained object, choose Explore Constraints on the MCP, and click the constraint's icon.



Toggles the activeness of this constraint.

Blend Weight

Blends the weight of this constraint with other constraints on the selected object.

Align Axis


Sets the axis of the constrained object that will always face the center of the constraining object.

Target Offset


Offsets the orientation of the constraining object in global space in relation to the constrained object.

Up Vector

The up-vector constraint makes the Y axis of a constrained object point to a constraining (control) object or a specific point. See Up Vector Options for information.