Hull Deformation


The hull deformation compounds show how to implement a cage deformation in ICE. Every point on a mesh gets associated to a location on a cage, and moves as the cage moves and deforms. You can find these compounds in the Hull Deformer group of the Deformation task in the preset manager.

Applying a Hull Deformation

  1. Select the object to be deformed and create an ICE tree in the Modeling region of the construction stack.

  2. Add a Find Hull Surface Point compound and connect it to the ICETree root.

  3. Specify the object to act as the reference cage.

  4. Later in the same ICE tree, or in a tree higher in up the construction stack, add a Deform by Hull compound and connect it to the root.

  5. Specify a duplicate of the reference cage to act as a deforming cage.

  6. Modify the deforming cage by moving components. Leave the reference cage undeformed.