Syflex Mimic Null


This compound uses a null's size, shape, and location (animated or not) to determine the area of the simulated cloth's or curve's vertices that are constrained. All the vertices that are within the null object's space are used for mimicking the constraining object, which can be deforming. You could then animate the location or size of the null to create different constraint effects.

To apply: See Making a Cloth or Curve Mimic an Object.

Tasks: Syflex/Constraints

Output Ports: The Force output plugs into a Force port on the Syflex Cloth or Syflex Curve node.

The parameters for this constraint are the same as for the Syflex Mimic compound except that you use this port for the input null:


The null object that determines which cloth or curve vertices are used to mimic the constraining object. Plug its Get Data node's Out Name output into this port.