Get Edge Loop


Calculates whether components are on an edge loop defined by the specified edge, and sets corresponding attributes that you can use in your tree.

See Working with Loops.

Tasks: Topology/Getters

Output Ports: Execute


An attribute that stores the index of the edge that defines the loop. The default is Self.ClosestEdgeFromNull which is set by Get Closest Edge Index from Null.

If you want to specify an index manually, clear this value and use Edge Start Index.

Edge Start Index

The edge index to use for the loop.


  • Until Last Edge continues the loop from the specified index to the end of the loop.
  • Walk on Edge Loop continues the loop from the specified index for a length of Nb of Next Edges.

Nb of Next Edges

The length of the edge loop when Mode is "Walk on Edge Loop".


  • Edge Start: the loop begins from the first vertex of the edge.
  • Edge End: the loop begins from the second vertex of the edge.

Set Vertex Is On Edge Loop

Sets the Boolean attribute Self.VertexIsOnEdgeLoop. You can use this attribute with other nodes in your tree.

Display Vertex

Highlights the vertices of the loop in the viewports.

Set Edge Is On Edge Loop

Sets the Boolean attribute Self.EdgeIsOnEdgeLoop. You can use this attribute with other nodes in your tree.

Set Polygon Is On Edge Loop

Sets the Boolean attributes Self.CCWPolygonIsOnEdgeLoop and Self.CWPolygonIsOnEdgeLoop. You can use these attributes with other nodes in your tree.

Push Factor

Pushes the vertices on the edge loop along their normals.