Get Closest Edge Index from Null


Calculates the closest edge on the "self" object to the specified null or other object, and stores the edge's index in the specified attribute.

Tasks: Topology/Getters

Output Ports: Execute

Null Name

Connect the name of the null or other object, or a prefix to use with Reference.


Specify the null or other object. If anything is connected to In Name, it gets prefixed to the name specified here.

Enable Cutoff Distance

Looks for edges only within the specified Cutoff Distance below.

Cutoff Distance

The distance within which to find an edge.

Closest Edge Name

Connect an attribute name to store the edge index, or a prefix for the attribute name.

Closest Edge Reference

Specify the custom attribute. If anything is connected to In Name, it gets prefixed to the name specified here.

If there is more than one instance of this compound on the same object, change the attribute name so that they do not overwrite each other.