This compound makes particles flow around a surface, avoiding it like an obstacle.
Plug its Execute port into a Port on the ICETree node.
If you want to align the particles to the obstacle's surface, plug the Align Particle to Surface compound's Execute output
into an ICETree node's port, then plug the surface object's Value output into the Geometry port of the Align Particle to Surface
For more information, see ICE Particles Flowing Around an Object [ICE Particle Simulations].
Tasks: Particles/Motion Control, Particles/Surface Interaction
Output Ports: Execute
The object that the particles flow around. This must be a surface object. Plug its Value output into this port.
The amount that the particles are repelled from the object.
The geometry component of the object that is used to calculate the distance for the particle: Closest Surface, Closest Vertex
or Knot, or Closest Smoothed Surface.
Toggles the activeness of the Cutoff Distance option.
The maximum distance (in Softimage units) in which the particle considers the object and flows around it.
This graph defines the falloff (decay) of the particles movement around the object.
The method of controlling the particle speed along the curve:
If you selected Set New Velocity as the Velocity Control Method, you can set the particle speed here. This is the number of
Softimage units the particle moves per second.
Toggles the activation of the Viewing Angle Filter Profile.
This profile curve lets you make particles ignore the surface object if they are moving away from it, depending on the viewing
angle. The curve defines the viewing angle in degrees: at 90 degrees, the particle is moving tangentially to the surface.
You can ramp the effect so that particles do not get caught in orbits when walking around surfaces. They avoid upcoming obstacles,
but ignore obstacles that they have already moved past.
Rotates the particles so that their local Y axes are aligned to the surface normals of the object they are avoiding.
The vector that is used to align the particles. The Y axis is typically the vector that points along the length of a particle.
If you change your particle type to cone, you can see that the Y axis is the direction of the cone point. The X and Y axes
are the sideways axes.
Defines how much the particle is rotated each frame. The value is a ratio, so if you set it to 1.0, the particle is immediately
aligned. If you set this value to 0.1, the particle rotates by 10% each frame.