This compound modifies the velocity vector so that particles flow along a curve's tangent.
Plug its Execute port into a Port on the ICETree node.
For more information, see ICE Particles Flowing Along a Curve [ICE Particle Simulations].
Tasks: Particles/Motion Control
Output Ports: Execute
The amount that the particles are attracted to the curve.
The curve along which the particles flow. Plug the curve's Value output into this port.
Reverses the direction of particle flow along the curve.
Toggles the activeness of the Cutoff Distance option.
The maximum distance (in Softimage units) in which the particle will flow along the curve.
This graph defines how the Weight value affects the particles over the distance from the curve.
The method of controlling the particle speed along the curve:
If you selected Set New Speed as the Speed Control, you can set the particle speed here. This is the number of Softimage units
the particle moves per second.
Rotates the particles so that they point along the direction of movement along the curve.
If you selected Align Particle, you must set the vector that is used to align the particles. The Y axis is typically the vector
that points along the length of a particle.
If you change your particle type to cone, you can see that the Y axis is the direction of the cone point. The X and Y axes
are the sideways axes.