Constrain Turret


Rotates an object like the turret of a tank. The rotation occurs around one axis only so that another axis becomes aligned with the target object but doesn't necessarily point at it. This node should be plugged into an Add Constraints compound.

Category: Kinematics

Output Ports: Constraint


Deactivates the constraint.


The constrainee specified here must match the constrainee specified in the Add Constraints compound.

Constrainee In Name

A scene reference to prepend to Constrainee Reference to fully resolve the name.

Constrainee Reference

The object to constrain.


Constrainer In Name

A scene reference to prepend to Constrainer Reference to fully resolve the name.

Constrainer Reference

The constraining object.

Rotate Around

Specifies the axis to rotate around.

Aim Along

Specifies the axis to align with the constrainer.