Add Strand Forces


This compound is used as a type of hub when applying forces to particle strands, using the StrandForce attribute. You can use this compound when creating dynamics on strands (it is used inside the Strand Dynamics Framework compound).

You plug in Force outputs from the Strand Gravity Force and Strand Drag Force (in any order), and it adds up those forces and applies the combined force to the strands.

If forces have already been applied to particles, this compound adds the new force to the existing forces.

Plug this compound's Execute output into a port on the ICETree node.

For more information on using dynamics on strands, see Creating Strand Dynamics [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Strand Dynamics

Output Ports: Execute


Sets a force in the global XYZ directions.

You can also plug in the Force outputs from the Strand Gravity Force or Strand Drag Force compounds.