Strand Dynamics Framework


This compound simulates dynamics on particle strands using a Verlet integration method. It sets each strand's force, segment length, position, and segment local orientation values.

When strands have dynamics applied, they can respond to collisions and other forces, as well as to the velocity and rotational velocity of the particle emitter. Dynamics allows you to create hair-like movement on strands, in addition to other effects.

Plug this compound's Execute output into a Port on a simulated ICETree node. On the same point cloud, create an unsimulated ICETree node that contains strands created with the Emit Strands compound.

For more information on setting up dynamics on strands, see Creating Strand Dynamics [ICE Particle Simulations].

Tasks: Particles/Strand Dynamics

Output Ports: Execute


Sets a force in the global XYZ directions. You can also plug in the Force outputs from the Strand Gravity Force or Strand Drag Force compounds.

Num Iterations

The number of iterations per frame that the strand dynamics is evaluated. Keep this value low to reduce processing times, but you may need to set this higher for particle strands that change quickly from frame to frame. Using a higher value can help create a more stable simulation.


The object with which the particle strands collide. This object must have a surface. Plug the object's Value output into this port.

Collision Offset

The number of Softimage units by which the particle strands are offset from the collision object.


The amount of stiffness applied to each segment of the strands. This can help to reduce the amount of stretchiness on the strand due to dynamics collisions and forces.

Execute Each Iteration

This port executes whatever is plugged in here at every iteration per frame (as defined by Num Iterations) so that the particles are evaluated more than once.