You can use the Navigate, Zoom, Pan, and Frame tools (available from the Tools menu), or their corresponding shortcut keys to view a specific area of the dopesheet.
To reset the view of the dopesheet so that the tracks are framed within the window, choose View Frame Playback Range or press the R key.
To deactivate any viewing mode, choose another Tools command or press Esc.
You can interactively increase or decrease the magnification of the dopesheet view using the zoom tool or the pan & zoom tools.
To zoom, do any of the following:
Choose Tools Rectangular Zoom Tool or press Shift+Z, then:
To rectangle-zoom in (increase magnification), click+drag in the dopesheet to select a rectangular region to enlarge.
To rectangle-zoom out (decrease magnification), right-click and drag to draw a region. The region you draw defines the center of the region you want to see; you define a large region to zoom out less and a small region to zoom out more.
To zoom interactively, hold down the middle-mouse button and drag.
You can pan to scroll the area shown in the dopesheet, even specifically in the horizontal and vertical directions. You can use a number of different tools to pan and zoom.
To pan or zoom, do any of the following:
Choose Tools Navigate Tool or press S, then:
To interactively zoom horizontally, middle-click and drag to the left to zoom in, and drag to the right to zoom out.
To interactively zoom vertically, right-click and drag up to zoom in, and down to zoom out.
If you press Ctrl while this tool is active, you can switch to the rectangular zoom tool.
If you're using the Maya interaction mode, press Alt+Shift and right-click to zoom only vertically (if View Align tracks with Tree View is off).
Framing sets the zoom and pan so that the tracks fit in the dopesheet within a specified range.
To frame selected regions and tracks:
Choose View Frame Selection or press the F key. If only regions are selected, only they are framed in the dopesheet.
To frame all keys in the dopesheet:
To frame all tracks within the timeline: