Controlling What's Displayed in the Dopesheet


The dopesheet responds to the currently selected elements. While it is open, it displays the animation (if any) of the elements you select.

To determine what's displayed in the dopesheet, you need to first determine which type of parameters to display in the animation explorer, then select which type of tracks you want to display in the dopesheet.


Select which parameters are displayed in the animation explorer by choosing commands from its Explorer menu, such as only animated parameters (the default), keyable parameters, custom properties, kinematics, and so on - see Choosing Which Parameters Are Displayed in the Animation Explorer.


Then select which tracks are displayed in the dopesheet by choosing from the View menu.

The animation explorer is essentially the same as the scene explorer and is used to control what is shown in the animation editor, regardless of which editor is currently active (dopesheet, function curves, expression, or scripted operators). For information on using this, see Using the Animation Explorer.

Once you have the parameters you want shown in the animation explorer, you can control the display of their tracks with the commands in the View menu that is above the tracks:

Displaying Tracks for Unanimated Parameters

  1. Make sure that Explorer Animated Parameters Only is off for the animation explorer.

  2. Choose View Selected Parameters for the dopesheet tracks.

  3. In the animation explorer, browse for and select the unanimated parameters for which you want to display a track. For example, you may want to copy animation to the unanimated parameters.

    Selecting a folder (such as kine.local) generates tracks for all unanimated parameters within it.

  4. An empty track appears for each unanimated parameter you select.