Select a compound and choose Compounds Compound Properties.
If you are editing a compound and no internal compound node is selected, Compounds Compound Properties opens the properties of the compound being edited.
Some of the compound properties are self-explanatory, like Author, Description, and Color. Other properties are documented elsewhere:
For information about Name, Category, and Tasks, see Editing Compounds.
For information about the version fields, see Versioning Compounds.
When an URL has been defined for a compound, users can right-click on the compound and choose Open Netview on URL. You can use this feature to provide documentation and other resources. Make sure to include the protocol in the URL, for example, "http:" or "file:".
Construction Mode for ApplyICEOp specifies the default region in the construction stack for adding an exported ICE operator using the ApplyICEOp command. Setting this to Current uses whichever mode is active when the operator is applied. For more information about applying ICE-based operators, see Applying ICE Compounds.