About Syflex Forces


Forces make things move. In particular, Syflex forces make Syflex-simulated objects move according to different types of natural (or unnatural) forces.

The Syflex ICE simulators do their force calculations according to the Newtonian physics. See Physics for ICE Trees for some basic information on some physics issues in ICE.

The Syflex ICE Forces compounds do their calculations on a "per object" context. Because of this, you cannot use other ICE force nodes or non-ICE forces, which are all calculated using a "per point" context (see ICE Forces [ICE Fundamentals]).

In ICE, the evaluations of a node start from its top port and go down, so the order in which nodes are plugged in usually matters (as it does for collision nodes). However, it doesn't matter in which order you plug the Force nodes into the Force ports on the Syflex Cloth or Syflex Curve (or syflexISimul) nodes. Their outputs are simply added together and output as one vector.

Types of Syflex ICE Forces

The Syflex ICE Forces compounds can be found in the Forces group on the Task > Syflex tab on the preset manager in the ICE tree.