The Volume force applies a pressure that can increase or decrease the overall volume of a volumetric polygon mesh object to create soft-body-type simulations. This lets you create inflation and deflation effects, like a tire or balloon inflating and deflating or bread dough rising. The force is applied along the object's normals (perpendicular to the faces) and is proportional to the volume of the object.
Applying the Volume Force to a Cloth Simulation
Create a Syflex ICE cloth simulation using a volumetric polygon mesh object for the cloth — see Creating Syflex ICE Simulations.
Select the simulated cloth object and do either of the following:
Choose the Particles Force
Volume command from the ICE Tree toolbar.
This plugs the force node's Force output into a Force port of the Syflex Cloth node.
In the ICE Tree view, drag the Forces Syflex Volume compound from the Task > Syflex tab in the preset manager and plug it into a Force port on the Syflex Cloth node.
In the Syflex Volume compound property editor, set the parameters. For example, animate the Pressure value to create inflation and deflation effects.
In this case, the Syflex Volume force has been applied to an unfortunate elephant! The image on the left shows the elephant's volume before applying the force.