

Linearly interpolates between vectors v1 and v2 and places the result into this vector: this = (1-alpha)*v1 + alpha*v2

C# Syntax

SIVector3.LinearlyInterpolate( SIVector3 in_pVector1, SIVector3 in_pVector2, Double in_dAlpha );

Scripting Syntax

SIVector3.LinearlyInterpolate( v1, v2, alpha );


Parameter Type Description
v1 SIVector3 Operand vector
v2 SIVector3 Operand vector
alpha Floating Point value Scalar interpolator

Possible Values:


[0.0, 1.0] Domain of validity


VBScript Example

dim v1, v2, v3
' Create 3D vectors.
set v1 = XSIMath.CreateVector3
set v2 = XSIMath.CreateVector3
set v3 = XSIMath.CreateVector3
v1.Set 1.0, 2.0, 3.0
v2.Set 3.0, 5.0, 6.0
alpha = .7
'v3 = (1 - alpha) * v1 + alpha * v2
v3.LinearlyInterpolate v1, v2, alpha

See Also

SIVector3 SIMatrix3 SIMatrix4 SIRotation SITransformation SIQuaternion