

Returns a two-dimensional Array which lists the format definition of the output image format in question. Each definition item is a triplet of siRenderChannelType, siImageDataType and siImageBitDepth values.

The format definition can be queried by giving either the format name or the format's file extension.

C# Syntax

Object Renderer.OutputFormatDef( String in_strName );

Scripting Syntax



JScript Example

// Show the output format definition of the EXR format as
// used by mental ray.
var oMentalRay = Application.Renderers.Item( "mental ray" );
var aFormatDef = (new VBArray( oMentalRay.OutputFormatDef( "exr" ) )).toArray();
var aChannelType = new Array( "Unknown", "Color", "Grayscale", "Depth", "Normal", "Vector", "Label" );
LogMessage( "OpenEXR framebuffer support:" );
for( var i = 0; i < aFormatDef.length; i += 3 )
	LogMessage( "Channel Type: " + aChannelType[ aFormatDef[ i ] ] + 
	            " - Data Type: " + aFormatDef[ i + 1 ] + 
	            " - Bit depth: " + 
	              ( ( aFormatDef[ i + 2 ] & 16 ) ? "Float " : "Integer " ) + 
	              ( 1 << ( aFormatDef[ i + 2 ] & 15 ) ).toString() );