

Adds a ChainBone element at the end of this chain.

C# Syntax

ChainBone ChainRoot.AddBone( Object in_pNewEffPos, siChainBoneType in_boneType, String in_bstrName );

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = ChainRoot.AddBone( NewEffectorPosition, [BoneType], [Name] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
NewEffectorPosition Either a SIVector3 or an array containing x,y,z values. The new effector position.
BoneType siChainBoneType The type of bone to add.

Default Value: siChainBonePin

Name String Name of new chain


VBScript Example

'VBScript example
'effector for first bone
set oEff1 = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
oEff1.x = 3
oEff1.y = 3
oEff1.z = 3
'effector for second bone
set oEff2 = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
oEff2.x = 6
oEff2.y = 0
oEff2.z = 0
'construct skeleton
set oRoot = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oChain = oRoot.Add3dChain()
set oBone1 = oChain.AddBone(oEff1, siChainBonePin, "TheFirstBone")
set oBone2 = oChain.AddBone(oEff2, siChainBoneBallJoint)