



Adds the specified edge list as a cutting line to the specified Unfold Property.

Unfolding creates a UV texture projection by 'unwrapping' a polygon mesh object using the edges you specify as cut lines or seams. When unfolding, the cut lines are treated as if they are disconnected to create borders or separate islands in the texture projection.

Scripting Syntax

oBoolean = UnfoldAddToCut( UnfoldProperty, [EdgeList(s)] );

Return Value

Returns a Boolean reporting whether or not the command was successful.


Parameter Type Description
UnfoldProperty Property The Unfold property to which you want to add the new cut(s).
EdgeList(s) List of edges or EdgeCollection Edges to be added to the cutting line definition.

Default Value: If not specified, the current selection is used.


JScript Example


	This example demonstrates how to add edges to the cutting edge of an Unfold property


NewScene(null, false);

CreatePrim("Grid", "MeshSurface");


// Perform the cut

UnfoldSetCut("grid.Unfold",   "grid.edge[14,34,51,68,71,73,75]");

UnfoldAddToCut("grid.Unfold", "grid.edge[2,3]");					// these edges are just added to existing cut

UnfoldSetCut("grid.Unfold",   "grid.edge[73,75]");					// reset the cut to these two edges

// Launch Unfolding computations


See Also

UnfoldAdjustUpdate UnfoldApply UnfoldApplySel UnfoldClearCut UnfoldPackUpdate UnfoldRemoveFromCut UnfoldSelectCut UnfoldSetCut UnfoldUpdate Unfold Property Editor reference